
Is this girl just talking to me out of sympathy???

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Long story short I've been good friends with this girl for two years and all. Basically we were good friends, we both liked each other hooked up a couple times, but were cool about it. I probably would have dated her at one point, but I didnt really bother cause she just wasn't into me that much in that sort of way. Anyway, fast forward to about a year ago I was sick for a couple months and then diagnosed with lymphoma. I've been sick for the past year, and am now finally cleared of it, done with chemo etc, and ready to hopefully recover more over the next few months and get on with my life. Basically, since ive been sick and more so since i've been away this girl really started to talk to me a lot more and i dunno just seemed like she cared a lot more about me in a loving sort of way. im not asking or expecting much out of her as i cant blame her for feeling bad but in a way its almost like sometimes i get the feeling she knows i like her and just talks to me out of sympathy. she has a boyfriend now so she's moved on and all plus im not looking to date her but its just the situation. i dunno maybe im being selfish who knows. anyway im 22 so i just want to get back to my life soon. thanks




  1. I don't know if she really is in love with you but I think that you getting sick made her realize how good of a friend you are and how much love she does have for you. It kinda woke her up that people aren't around forever and that she needs to value the relationships in her life. But who knows one day she could leave her boyfriend and wanna take the next step with you.

  2. maybe its not sympathy. maybe the sickness helped her realise how she really feels about you?  

  3. It sounds like she was very worried about you and even though she is in a relationship she can still have some leftover feelings for you.  Right now she is safe in the relationship she has with her boyfriend so she can be more open and loving with you without you thinking she is being romantic.

  4. wow - that's sad! i'm sorry. but maybe you two are meant for each other - people say that best friends do well married to each other. and maybe not. time will tell - if you are meant to be together, the time will come. in the meantime, stay in touch with her! you should at least remain friends with her.  

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