
Is this girl pretty or ugly!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Call the plastic doctors I am dying with her ugliness ( MEDIC )  

  2. transvestite.

    or howeever you spell it,


  3. Your features are normal, but your nose is a bit big.

    Dont' wear too much make up, strange hair styles, or colorful hot pink clothing. If you wear lighter make up and less eye catching clothes - your features will look softer.  

  4. hideous didnt een bother with the 2 link and from others expressions im glad i didnt

  5. ugly

  6. Hideous  

  7. I'm not entirely convinced that underneath all that,they're a girl.

    Are you sure "girl" isn't "man"?

  8. i reckon she could be very pretty even beautiful if she did the following :

    a)stopped trying to be barbie - its too hard and pointless barbies ugly

    b)got some decent clothes - the style she has doesnt flatter her

    c)went natural - just a tad bit of makeup she has pretty eyes so she should accentuate them with mascara - would say high definition from max factor the day one not night its silver, and a small touch of lippy and not a bright colour

    d)when you smile try not to clench your mouth open it looks like your scared your teeth will pop out or something

    i hope this helped


    much love

  9. The first pic was pretty but the second one was ugly

  10. I think she's beautiful ♥

    She's overdoing it though. If she toned it down, she'd be absolutely gorgeous!! Maybe a bit lighter on the makeup, and more neutral clothes. Good luck, have fun, and stay beautiful ♥

  11. She is OK, but I think she is trying too hard.

  12. butt ugly :(

    hoeish too

  13. She is delusional.  She THINKS she is pretty but I am afraid that she is not.


  14. OMG she looks like and ugly cheap transvestite w***e

  15. Would be a lot better looking if she ditched the bottle blonde hair and the fake barbie clothes. Too much makeup also. A more natural look and some flattering clothes would make her look a lot better.

  16. I think she would look really nice if she put on less make up cause she looks like a clown right now.  But you are pretty in your own way = ) !!!!!!!

  17. Ugly, sorry.

  18. Hey!!

    I don't see anything wrong with the girl. She is very pretty although should drop the red lipstick. Very pretty otherswise!!

    Hope this helps!! xx

  19. dont worry. its okay.

  20. Yuck.

  21. eww. She could be pretty if she didnt wear such dirty makeup, and wasnt a try hard.

  22. i think that she needs to wear less lipstick. the second photo is way better. maybe she should straighten her hair

  23. Thats a MAN! EWWW freakin ugly as a man or woman! EWWWWW!!!!

  24. That girl is UGLYYYYYYYYY. Oh my god is she ugly... she is probably a man... no... she is a man...  

  25. That's a Dude....  right??

    I'm sure he would be a handsome man... Take off the dress and throw on some pants and you'll be all set.

  26. Is this a joke? Yuck.

  27. is there a choice worse than ugly?

    jk :)

    i think she is ok

  28. is that you?

    because if it is, i feel extremely bad for you.

  29. She is pretty ugly, if it is an actually girl.

    Kind of looks like a tranny.

  30. pretty hair in the second pic, but otherwise, utterly disgusting.

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