
Is this global warming?

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So is this global warming? For all the Al dot Gore fans out there, read this:

and this:

Only TIME... will tell whether we are really experiencing global warming, not an ex vice-president.




  1. global cooling

  2. The facts in your link are basically news stories and not scientific facts, but even so dont you think that it is slightly worrying that the climate seems to be changing? Is it really worth waiting to find out? should we not do something now? or should we just use all the oil and carry on as though nothing was wrong?

  3. i ont know but it did get surprisingly warmer then usual

  4. Nope, it's anecdotal information (which is not real big in science) about local weather.  In the words of Crocodile Dundee:

    "THAT"S not global warming.  THIS is global warming."

  5. I don't know what "A Year of Global Cooling" is supposed to mean. Would the authors also trumpet the 80+ temps we saw here in Texas yesterday as, "A Day of Texan Warming?"   The article's title should read "A Year of Below Average Temperatures." Of course, they'd be wrong even if they said that, since 2007 was the second warmest year ever recorded (according to NASA).

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