
Is this going to be the state of the future?

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The grim reports emanating from experts about the climatic catastrophe must invite the attention of all concerned. Rising sea-level at an alarming rate, continuing freswater shortage, disappearng farm lands, scorching heat causing drought and famine and pestilence leave no doubt that the future is going to be dire indeed. Added to these is the inescapable domination by technology over individuals and communities. It seems that we are at the end of the tether and we are doomed to misery and extinction. If Thomas Malthus were to revisit us, he would say " I told you so". Australia has very dire water problems, so has USA and Europe and China and India. A billion people will be wiped out from History's records and We are facing the almighty wrath and revenge of Nature. Dont think that I am raising a scare. You will be caught up by Nature's rage and you do not have a cat's chance to escape. Serves you right too. There is more to say but I am running out of my ration - thanks to Yahoo Ans




  1. Try to do your small part in conservation, and hope that the rest of the population do theirs` also. Stop worrying about things you cannot control.! Enjoy your life  and be happy, if you try to live a `green` life, you deserve to be happy. The present day catastrophes are natures` way of warning us to change our ways, when we do, all will be well.

  2. It could happen.

  3. I suggest you look again at the grim reports and check what tthey are really saying. Most I have seen (apart from the loony fringe) actually say that if we do nothing and just keep going the way we are burning ever more fossil fuels, then there will be problems big time.

    But we don't have to keep doing that. I'm hopefull that enough people will act soon enough to prevent the worst of the disasters.

    By the way there is unlikely to be world wide drought, its more a case of redistribution of rainfall patterns. Some places will get less than they are used to others more than they really want.

    A bit of care in the way people use fresh water will go a long way in sorting that out. Like not trying to grow the most water hungry crops in near desert conditions. (eg Cotton in Western NSW Aust.) Bit of conservation, bit of waste reduction.

    Desalination is the last thing people should be thinking about, it is a terribly expensive way to solve your water problems.

    The fellow who talked about earthquakes etc, well that really isn't relevant. GW is something caused by humans and something we can do something about. Earthquakes, well no one has suggested that they are caused by Humans and we certainly can't do anything about them.

    As for domination of humans by technology, not as bag as you think, that was a real issue some 100 years back when whole communities were tied to a single industry, steal works, cotton mill etc. The new information age technology actually gives communities who know how to use it, whole new sets of options.

    I live in a remote undeveloped country, where water and electricity supplies are not assumed as normal. Where phone lines take many months to be repaired.  But not only can I access Yahoo answers, but I can conduct my business globally, source products globally, provide services globally.

    The technology doesn't dominate me, I use it to free myself from domination.

  4. Yes they are very grim scary reports if you believe them. Do you REALLY trust the government and do you REALLY believe everything you read in the papers. They both talk bollocks most of the time, why believe them now. Man has been around for at least 300,000 years and our climate has been stable for only the last 8,000 years, if we managed to survive a variable climate up until 8,000 years ago, why can't we do it again. I think global warming is the least of our worries, imagine if something triggered all of the tectonic plates to start moving and one by one, massive earth quakes happen all over the world. It would destroy the west coast of america, iceland, parts of north africa, southern spain, asia and the middle east, new zealand wouldn't do well and japan would be buggered. The earthquakes could then trigger worldwide volcanic eruptions. now my imaginination is starting to run away with me so i shall stop. Basically we have become pathetic individuals who rely too much on modern technology and other people, life has become about money and material things and nothing else. We need to get back to basics, by, growing our own food, mending our own cars, doing things ourselves and trusting our own instincts. We also need to stop building more and more ******* buildings and destroying nature.

  5. I cant understand why people are saying they are running out of water; why cant we take a leaf out of the middle east for once and desalinate sea water? After all where do you think they get the water they need to survive on.

  6. yeah probably.

    Looks like it.

    What to do huh?

    Good Luck!!!

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