The grim reports emanating from experts about the climatic catastrophe must invite the attention of all concerned. Rising sea-level at an alarming rate, continuing freswater shortage, disappearng farm lands, scorching heat causing drought and famine and pestilence leave no doubt that the future is going to be dire indeed. Added to these is the inescapable domination by technology over individuals and communities. It seems that we are at the end of the tether and we are doomed to misery and extinction. If Thomas Malthus were to revisit us, he would say " I told you so". Australia has very dire water problems, so has USA and Europe and China and India. A billion people will be wiped out from History's records and We are facing the almighty wrath and revenge of Nature. Dont think that I am raising a scare. You will be caught up by Nature's rage and you do not have a cat's chance to escape. Serves you right too. There is more to say but I am running out of my ration - thanks to Yahoo Ans