
Is this going to go away?

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I wanna know.. ive been depressed lately, I mean really depressed and not happy with my life. Ive lost confidence and self esteem. Has it happened to you ? how can I make it stop? how can I get my confidence back?

thanks :)




  1. You need to go to something called a consular you discuss your problems with them and they make it so you get better and they make it so you feel good about yourself

    This is how you get undepressed

             Hope it helps!

  2. i don't want this to sound rude but ever heard of depression? it seems like exactly what your talking about. your going to need to talk to your parents about getting on medication to help.

  3. it might or might not. see a therapist/doctor/relative

  4. hi i wish you could be able to talk to my mom because she has had huge depression befor and she had to go to a hospital she would ussually cry out of nowhere we had 2 give up our dog because of it, it was really bad but she got help with a docter . So i recomend you talk 2  a docter or a phycologist.

  5. I have depression/anxiety. I feel really down and have absolutely NO motivation to do anything with my life. Counselors don't work for me... but a lot of people find help/peace in talking to a psychologist. You just have to find the right one and that may take a while. I'm also on paxil... which I have to admit really helps. Sometimes medications are best to help alter the negative/anxious feelings caused by misfired neurotransmitters. I'd look for a Psychiatrist or Psychologist to inquire about meds or counseling.

  6. I am a naturally optimistic person, but some years ago I went through a very dark period - didn't care about anything or anyone - not like me at all.  Come to find out I had hypothyroidism (very low thyroid hormone levels) - it made me apathetic and depressed.

    Could you have this too?  I was in my late thirties when it happened to me, but I had a student when I was teaching high school that developed it during her senior year.  Get checked out.

  7. If you have concerns regarding this I would suggest seeing your family doctor, he can recommend a specialist.  You have already made the first step, realizing that you have the problem, and asking opinions, that is good.  good luck with it, don't put it off, do it now.

  8. firstly see to the physiological matters- eat well, drink well, sleep well.

    then see to pastoral matters- make sure you spend time with good friends as well as those who need your help and who may be draining you of energy.

    then look to your hopes and dreams - do you have some? are you pursuing them?

    if you cover all of these things you should find that you naturally regain your self-esteem and that you feel happy more often than not.

  9. counseling, it helps.

  10. Well for one thing , you are do something about being depressed you are talking about it . You are sharing how you fell and this is a start . Sometimes it can help to open up to a friend or family member about how you are felling. You can also write do how you fell keep a record of it. But not just the bad days, but the good days to  then go over it and see what it was that made you happy , and what made you unhappy. Hope this helps some.

  11. Definitely go see a counselor They can be REALLY salubrious!

  12. Perhaps talking to someone about the source of your depression may help - a good talk helps mightily.  Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  13. I used to hate my life and want to die, but it eventually got away and now I don't think about a different person now. haha. It should go away on it's own but if not, talk to your doctor and tell them you think you may have a case of depression. If you are diagnosed with depression, they will tell you to take special medicine and your self-esteem should go right back up.

  14. The human mind has virtually infinite capacity.  We are capable of convincing our self of anything.  We sometimes even test our ability  to suffer.  Strange but true.

    Similarly you have the opportunity to achieve, aspire, challenge, and overcome.  Periodically there is a need for carnival.  The purging our self of adverse and questionable perceptions.  A personal Mardi Gras allows the craziness to exit your personal space.  This enables a time to atone, build, and renew.

    Get a notebook.  Look in the mirror.  What is different from the model on GQ Magazine?  Write down what makes you smile and laugh.  Spend some time on self enrichment.  Discover some interesting activities and events to attend.  Travel and keep a journal of new and different experiences.

    Develop relationships with people who exchange informative and knowlegeable concepts.  Form a circle of mutually supportive and encouraging intellectuals.  Find the dynamics within.

    Enjoy the quiet triumph of self improvement.

  15. take a deep breath and try to figure out what's making you unhappy. Try making a list of things you can do to fix things.  

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