
Is this going to hurt me? Please don't answer unless you actually know...?

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Okay I have a hookah that I made out of a glass jar. The pipe that I used to connect the bowl to the jar is made out of the tube for a ballpoint pen. Will the plastic emit toxins or something? I have heard that doing this will cause that to happen




  1. It depends on the type of plastic used. There are several different kinds of plastic used for pens. See if you can find a plastic tube that is used for water. (Like at a home improvement  or hardware or plumbing store.)

  2. No one will actually know the answer to this question.  There are no hookah, ball point pen tube experts in the world.  This does not pass the common sense test.  I work in manufactring and thought is only given to how the item is intended to be used.  The engineering, design and use of materials does not take in account the ball point pen tube will be used in this manner.

    Will it hurt you, I don't think so but again you are taking chances and developing bad habits.  Use things as they are intended.  I will tell you of an experience I had in college.  We were having a keg party out in a farmers feild, with a bon fire and all.  Soon the drinking cups were all taken and of course a chug a lug contests started.  One individual had  empty anti-freeze jugs in his car.  They had been rinsed so he said and of course they would be safe for beer.  He and a freind filled them with beer and had the contest.  He died and his freind had liver damage.  Oh, and also read or find the Darwin Awards on line.  They are full of those who don't think.

    Good Luck

  3. ball point pen would be heat sensitive in this situation.

    Grab a small piece of 1/2 inch PVC Pipe. Don't use copper that's worse than the pen.

    I have built a few, and let me tell you PVC works amazing for this.

  4. What the h**l is a "hookah"

  5. I would not recommend using a pen to smoke out of.  Like the first answer, just go buy a tube from your local hardware store.  They are VERY cheap, and you can have them cut it to your desired size.  If you think it is a bad idea, chances are it is!

  6. Interesting??? As answer 1 states get some appropriate tubing. As another answer states WE may not be experts at water pipes, certainly I don't know, or even care about the plastics used in pen casings, anymore than I know about pens being used for jail house tattoos.

       If this is some trendy thing, some cool clique thing, I suggest the phase will pass. Certainly smoking should pass.

       Everythin on the planet has some level of toxicity to it. I suppose your notion should better be, long term effects of doing anything

  7. Maybe... Check to see what number the plastic is... if it is a 7 it contains harmful BPA.

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