
Is this good dog park etiquette? ?

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I took both of my dogs to the dog park. They both had fun and were tired at home!

But This lady kept telling me to let the leash off my dog. She don't know my dog I do! I know my dog gets jealous thats why I keep her on the leash so nothing happens to her or any other dog. I did want her to have a fun time thats why I brought her. I watched her the whole time there she was fine. I did let her off leash and she played and layed on the ground. She was fine on the leash. She only barked once when other dogs were chasing the other dog.

Then this other lady was saying is your dog jealous and I said yes. So she says jealous dogs need to be on a leash.

Not neccessarily.I think only if the dog is growling and barking at others.

The only dog the dogs were chasing was a submissive dog.

Being that it was her fist time their I wanted too see how she would do. The more time I take her she'll be fine!




  1. Well usually the reason you take a dog to a dog park is to let them off leash and to run and play and socialize with the other dogs.  Most dogs tend to be leash aggressive when left on a leash and are around other free running dogs.  I don't understand the logic behind the jealous dog comment.  My dog hates when I pet or talk to other dogs at the dog park and is very jealous, but I just give him a little more attention and he's fine with that and runs off to play again.  Most dogs who go to the dog park are friendly and well socialized.  The more you take the dog the more she will get to know certain dogs and play with them.  We have a group of about 8 dogs and we try to go to the park at the same time so our dogs can play with each other on a regular basis.

  2. "park etiguette"= crazy owners,happy owners, easy going owners, angry owners, tired owners, A$$ hole owners, know it all owners, and the ocational normal can you have etiquette with that

  3. You sound like you did everything fine.  If your dog gets fearful or aggressive, it's time to go or at least take a break on the leash.  However, if she's running around just being a dog then she can learn to socialize like all the other dogs there.  

    I've pulled my dog away from other dogs at the park, generally if it's a more submissive or shy dog and he wants to wrestle too hard (he's still a bouncy puppy).  Or, if he tries to mount another dog I correct him immediately - that's usually a major no-no at the dog park to just let your dog do that.  Normally, the dogs take the correction and then go back to playing just fine.  

  4. i agree with what ur saying as long as u give her treats for doing good and punishment for doing bad at the dog park but definitely let her have fun off the leash or she might just get more jealous

  5. This is what i tell people.  It's cruel to bring your dog to the dog park on a leash.  They see every other dog not on a leash, but think they're being punished cause you won't let them off the leash. I do think it's a good idea if its misbehaving to put it on a leash in a "time out" for five minutes, then let it back off.

    Dogs can actually get very territorial on a leash, and it can cause them to get protective of you.

  6. Just explain to the people thatyou aren't yet ready to trust your dog offleash and then walk away. Beware though that on the leash some dogs can feel cornered because they can't get away from the others, and also sometimes you can accidentally be holding her head up in a dominant position. Both of these situations can lead to nasty fights.

  7. You would be amazzed by the number of Dog experts you will run into. You know your dogs tells and needs if you want her leashed do what you think is best.

  8. Socializing your jealous dog as your doing is good.

    but, please be sure to keep a close eye on her....if she shows any signs of jealously, re-leash her.

    It does not matter what any one else thinks, you know your dog better than anyone, just keep up the good work, watch the dog, and she will become more and more likely get use to being off leash with you and will enjoy the freedom.

    good luck, and thanks for being a responsible dog owner and one that cares....

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