
Is this good enough for selective enrollment high schools?

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Im a straight "a" student, in 7th i was student council pres last year(i have 3 years xp in student council), in choir, safety patrolp, been in science fair 2 yrs in a row

if you have any ide3as what i can do in my 8th year to make my application look better, or is it good as is(im trying to make myself really stand out)




  1. Well, I'd say that based on what you've said, you're eligible to take the etrance exams. But they'll also look at your ISAT scores, or ITBS, if you live in IL. (I live in IL and I'm going into 8th grade too.) You'll probably be able to get into Lane, at the least, if you do well on you're entrance exam.

  2. The selection criteria will vary a lot from country to country and school to school. The local selective high school starts in year 7. As 99% stay on to year 11 and 12, there is only 2 places available for entry at the start of senior high school.

    Contact the school/s you are interested and ask them. Remember selection is competitive.  

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