
Is this good for a 30 gallon fish tank?

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1 Dalmation Sailfin Molly

1 Dwarf Gourami

2 Mickey Mouse Platies

1 Boesemani Rainbow

1 African Dwarf Frog

1 Albino Tiger Barb

4 Tiger Barbs

3 Assorted Platies

3 Albino Cories

3 Zebra Danios

4 Glofish

3 Neon Tetras




  1. no its not because you have semi aggressive fish  mixed with community fish which you should never do!!

    take the gourami and tiger barbs out. the barbs will attack the other fish and when the gourami gets big he will eat your tetras.

    if u took those out you would be ok.

  2. It would be beneficial for you to go to a store that specializes in fish and have them help you.  Some of the fish you mentioned are schooling fish and you need to have 3,5,or 7.

    A person at a fish store will also help you get fish that swim in different levels of the tank.  Some like the top quarter, some swim in the middle, some stay near the bottom, and some move all over the tank.  You also need to make sure they are all compatible.

  3. ahem not really, because you wonna put schooling fish which are semi aggressive and are notorious finnippers if not in schools

    here are some setups which would work though

    3 mollies

    1 dwarf gourami

    3 platies

    6 tiger barbs or albinos tiger barbs

    6 zebra danios

    6 albino cory's instead of ony 3


    3 mollies

    1 dwarf gourami

    3 platies

    6 rainbows

    6 cories

    1 dwarf frog


    3 mollies

    3 platies

    6 zebra danios

    6 glofish

    6 neon tetras

    6 cory's

    1 dwarf frog

    it's very important to really give schooling fish the right numbers, which is at least 6 of each species

    the ideas i gave you are reasonable, colorful and perfectly stocked but not overstocked and will work

  4. the barbs are a bad idea they are extreamly aggresive

    the gourami may or may not work out I have had them with neons with no problems at all and the glow fish and zebra danios will make a nice school of danios yes glowfish are in fact zebra danios so other than the barbs I think you doing good just keep an eye on the gourami might try haveing 2 of them it will keep the ocupied with each other even if they are the same s*x

  5. You might wanna consider getting more neon tetras like get 7 of them because they are schooling fish.

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