
Is this good for my first horse show?

by  |  earlier

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3,4,5 places????




  1. It depends on many factors. Like the judge, how you and your horse preformed, and other people competiting. Now I'm not saying that you did terrible. Just that many things go into considering a good placings. But for your first show, you did really good. I remember when I first started showing I barely placed. Even today there are some shows where I'll place like its christmas. Then other shows I can't place if my life depended on it.

    Usually I don't go by how ribbons I get at shows. My trainer will set up goals, and if I reach them, then I consider it a good day.  

  2. yeahh That's good.

    At my first show it was just me and 2 other girls who I rode with, I got lucky. I got two first places and one third. Then I tried short stirrup that day because I did something called fantasy fences first and I fell.

    That's quite good out of six. Every show is different though because of the level of the other riders competing with you they could be amazing or not too great. It looks like you were about at their level

  3. I'm impressed! It wasn't until my third show that I even placed! You did exceptional! Just don't forget to have fun and not just do it for the ribbons(competition can really get stressful)...

  4. 3rd or 4th could be good but 5th doesn't seem good. Did you try your best. That is the only thing that is important.

  5. Well the ribbon is not what matters.  The important thing si that you did your best and you had a great time.  Too many people are focused on getting as many ribbons as possible and that's all that matters.  What matters is you and your horse went out there and tried your best.  

    But if you judge by ribbons then it sounds like you did well for your first show.  

    You may have a horse that just does not move well and placed in a hack, then that's great.  Or if your horse just tends to not jump in good form or doesn't always get his distances, and you nailed both in your classes that's what you should be proud of.  Determining if you did well is your performance.  There will always be someone who has a fancier horse or more experience or judges who are biased.  

  6. Depends on the show were there more than 3, 4, & 5 people in your class?  If so I'm sure you did fine.  The most important part is that you went out there and tried.  

  7. Good Job!  I would be very happy with that.  As long as you did your best and had fun, you should be very pleased.

  8. WOW thats awsome for your first show. great job. it sucks though when you get up to the big classes its hard to place because the judges are picky about colour of horses and c**p like that. lol but enjoy your ribbons and congratz to you and your horse im sure you deserved it.

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