
Is this good idea for invention or nasty?

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bottle with 2 holes and 2 sides.on side is ketchup and other mayonayse..

u can close ketchup hole and use mayo

close mayo and use kethup

or open both caps for both mayo and ketcup?

is it good?




  1. I like it it saves time and space in the fridge or on the table! Go for it!

  2. It's a great concept, but like most inventions when they are first conceived, it needs a little tuning.

    How to make it practical?

    What 2 ingredients do people most like together which would make it more convenient to have the 2 together. You need to do study on this, which includes talking to a lot of people about it, surveys.

    Then when you find what people would like in a product like that, how to make it work well functionally. Just a simple design seems good, but it would have some problems. If you had a 2 cavity bottle with pumps? they would be separated and you wouldn't have to pressure one to dispense the other. That's just one possibility, there could be literally hundreds of ways to do it, so finding one wouldn't be a real problem once you got to concentrating on that.

    One thing you want to remember though, when you think of something really great, don't just put it out on the internet or tell anyone about it. That would make a patent unobtainable because you have to prove it's an original idea and not out there in public, even if you are the one who put it out there, that makes it unpatentable. Those you do tell about it you should have sign a non disclosure statement so it won't be public (that keeps the idea from having been "made public", and they can't steal the idea.. Many of those would do it anyway though, because there are ways around that, but it keeps most people honest.

    That's a little info for ya, hope it helps

  3. The basic concept is great but the actual product will not work as mayo does not flow like ketchup. Like the above answer stated mustard is much more practicle.

  4. ummm how do you squeeze one without squeezing the other? the cap would have to be exceptionally strong not to pop open while dispensing the other. sounds like a mess to me. sorry

  5. It would probably do better with mustard.  You would appeal to a larger audience, but yeah, that's a decent idea.

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