
Is this good on a mile run??

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i think this is pretty good but my sister thinks shes slow...shes 11 and got 7:20 on her mile run at school is that good how do i tell her that she got a good time?




  1. d**n shes a hella fast runner thts a hella good score too tell her good job!

  2. around a 4 that's crazy for a girl to run the best high school boys run around 4:00 but 7:20 is pretty good for 11 but by the time she is 14 the best will be breaking 6 consistently so shell be good if she keeps working

  3. That's great!

    When I was eleven, my best was only 9:45, and now i can run a 6:20.  So 7:20 is incredibly good for her age! Tell her to join the track team when she gets to high school!!

  4. holy c**p! thats really good. my fastest time at 11 was 13 mins even. lol. i'm not a good runner. if i was you, i'd just show her all the comments on this question so she sees everyones opinions... i never got 7:20 the whole time i was in school... and i'm in college now! lol.

  5. yea!! but if she wants to run track has to b around 4 min

  6. 1 mile in 7:20?  No, not good at all.  You need to make that at least another minute shorter for it to be considered somewhat good.  I ran the mile in 5:50 when I was in 9th grade.  

    Just tell her that she'll get better times in the future as she progresses...  Tis the truth.

  7. for an 11 yr old female thats really good. i ran it with my gf when she was 17 and she got a 10:20. so ur sister is doing good for her age.

  8. lol i could run 2 miles

  9. for being 11 its good my fastest is a 5 50 but that was when i was 13

  10. That is really good for a girl her age but honestly who knows until she peaks,  I have a Friend that I run with who ran a 4:50 in 7th grade and hasn't come close to that this year and he is a junior in high school, know I'm beating him.  Most of running comes down to the work you are willing to put in.

  11. thats actually a really good time. when i was eleven my fastest was 10:11. she did REALLY good. no joke.

  12. Wow that's a really good time! and i'm not just saying that to make her feel better.I run track and cross country on my high school teams (I'm a junior now) and after I started training with the cross country team I ran the mile in gym class and got my fastest time ever, which was a 7:13, and I was 15 then. Now I'm running under 5:30, so  definetly think that she's going to be great, and that's a really good start!

  13. That is really good for her age. at the begging of the year when I was 13 I only did a 7:00 mile. But after practicing I went down to a 5:19 mile. so if she practices she will be sooo beast when she is older. She'll probably have a world record.

  14. Very good. If she thinks she's too slow, she might be right.... if she's trying out of track 5 yrs later in high school. At her age, the best I could do was 8 mins.

  15. Thats really goot for a 11 year old girl. I'm 16 and I run it in 6:56 < first time.

    I think she will be amazing in middle school/high school if she keeps working hard.

    She can prolly break her schools record for it if she is dedicated to running.

    Best of luck to ur lil sis.

    I'm really proud of her.

    Maybe you should show her this question n comments.

    Read it out to her...make her day.


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