
Is this good or average or what?

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I took one of those online IQ tests and I scored 128, is this good, and how does is compare to other people?




  1. The online tests are only an estimate.

    Age does not truly influence IQ. A gifted child doesn't become average in their 20s, nor does an average adult suddenly become gifted. They maybe acquired factual knowledge, but that isn't the same thing.

    Culture and how it relates to the specific questions asked can affect IQ *scores*, however. For instance, if you live in the desert and you are asked to identify the white stuff on the ground where people are sledding...and you've never seen snow...well, you're probably going to get it wrong :).

    Because of this, different ages take different tests.

    The average person has an IQ of 100. This is a "norm-referenced" number. While it is true that the higher the score the more intelligent you are judged to be, you have to be very, very far away from that 100 to be considered a genius.

    50% of IQ scores fall between 90 and 110

    70% of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115

    95% of IQ scores fall between 70 and 130

    99.5% of IQ scores fall between 60 and 140


    Over 140 - Genius or near genius

    120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence

    110 - 119 - Superior intelligence

    90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence

    80 - 89 - Dullness

    70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency

    Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

    Hope that helps some.

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