
Is this good or bad?

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I eat breakfast in the morning as much as I can because the next time I eat is at 5. I go to school and end at 12 30 and go to work 1 - 5. I come home around like 5 20 and I eat whatever I can find. I finish eating before 6 and I wait until 8 or 8 30 to work out. I fast-walk/run for about 30 minutes.

Is this good or bad? To eat before 6 but wait like two hours later to exercise. Should I exercise like 30 minutes or an hour later after I ate or should I just do what I usually do?




  1. Unless you are on a really tight budget, try to eat healthy foods with fruits and vegetables and lean meats. It sounds like you're in college, and I know a lot of people eat ramen noodles, and those are pretty bad for you.

    Try to exercise in the morning if you can (it's hard to wake up early i know). But yeah I don't like to exercise that late, but you can let the food settle for 45-60 min after dinner, and you can exercise then.

  2. whenever you can exercise.. just exercise it really doesnt matter .. what matters are your eating habits.. but if your comfortable with your body and you dont feel you need to change then.. i wouldnt worry about it..

    if i were you i would maybe eat a little less for breakfast and pack a snack or 2 to get you through the day and then when you eat your dinner i would maybe focus on eating something healthy..

    when you starve your body like that it slows your metabolism down with will affect you in the long run.

    but like i said if you are happy with how your body feels then continue doing what youve been doing.

  3. i think ur schedule is fine. just keep on doing what ur doing. it sounds like you are a healthy person and u stay fit so i wouldnt worry.

  4. I think what you are doing is fine, with one small exception. It is better for you to eat smaller meals throughout the day, which will help keep your metabolism at a good pace. Instead of skipping lunch, try keeping a snack in your car, like 100-calorie packs or an apple or anything like that which you can eat on your way to work.

  5. you should eat more during the day but smaller protions. just eating twice a day is not very healthy.  
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