
Is this good progress? ?

by  |  earlier

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Emm, ive been skating for bout 4/5 months.

Ive just passed my grade 5.

In ISI terms, that's about Delta and some of Freestyle 1

Is that good progress, or am I progressing more slowly than most people?

Thanks =]




  1. That's really good!  I too only skate one time a week and at that point (with no private lessons) I was only at gamma.  Keep up the good work, your coach/teacher must be VERY impressed!  I know people who skate 3 times a week and have been skating for 2 years that are only at FS 1.  I hope I helped you! Good luck!!!!

  2. That's great progress! When I skated for 4/5 months, I was only in Beta or Gamma...  

  3. It's excellent progress. Keep it up!

  4. yeah it's good progress. don't worry about it. it's different for everyone, and depends on so many factors.

  5. I think that's really good! same problem with me, in the summer I have to go a half an hour away or an hour to get to the skating arena, since in the summer my local skating arena is closed, and even my local skating arena is about 30 or 40 minutes maybe 20 away.

    I've been skating for about maybe a year now (started taking lessons around the beginning of winter or the middle) and just made it to basic 5!

  6. Great progress!  You either skate/practice a lot or you have some natural ability.


  7. Oh my goodness, that is GREAT progress! Seriously! Delta is a good sign, a very good sign.

    I'm guessing you live in Britain? I don't know how the skating system works there.

    Here is my personal skating story: I started with public lessons in Pre-Alpha (Which is almost the lowest level). I took lessons for about a year or a year and a half, and got to Freestyle 1, which is probably almost equivalent to Bronze test level, or one level lower. Then I got a private coach and in another year with no public lessons, just a coach, I am not in Freestyle 5 (which is equivilant to Silver test level 4).

    So in 4/5 months and now you are in Delta? Well Congrats! That is a huge step, and a sure sign of progress. You were more progressive then me anyways. lol! Have fun skating, and keep on working hard!

    PS: I just read your additional details, and skating only once a week? GEEZ, you are excelling quite well, trust me. If you reach a higher level then perhaps you can convince your mom  that you should go there more often. You have real talent.

  8. OMG, That's Great Progress! you are learning so quickly!!!!! and ur really good too!

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