
Is this good progress?

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I used to play the flute 2 years ago but never practised and didn't get anywhere near even grade 1.

I've gone back recently and have been playing for 10 weeks. At first my teacher told me I'd take my grade 1 at xmas. I've been practising hard though and a few weeks ago she said we'd try grade 2 at xmas because I was doing well on grade 1 pieces. Now in my last lesson (I have them once a fortnight) she told me that because I'm sightreading grade 2 pieces well and can play them up to a good standard on the second time through I should go for grade 3 at xmas.

I don't know much about music, is this good progress or should I work harder?




  1. This is good progress, but always work as hard as you can to be better.

  2. You are doing great. Just keep practicing and do your best!

  3. Thats really good progress! It took me four years to get to grade 5 (where i am now) on the flute. If you have come back and got to grade 3 in one term then thats great, just keep trying hard and maybe you can do grade 4 next year! The flute is a great instrument so keep trying!
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