
Is this guitar a good deal? 1972 Yamaha G-85A?

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I am a beginner looking for a deal on a guitar. Should I choose this? I know absolutely nothing about valuing guitars or anything whatsoever.

"You can't find a better sounding or looking acoustic at this price."

Is this true?




  1. Don't touch it. If it's that old, i am sure that their are a few cracks on the back side of the gitar.

    In any case, Yamaha is good and I would buy a new one for $90 . Their is one that I have tried at the shop with a single cutaway and was impressed with the sound and especially the action.

    At least, the guitar is new, under warranty, and has a lot of resistance.

  2. WARNING:  This is a classical acoustic guitar.  You can tell by the tuning pegs and the nylon strings.  Most pop artists use folk acoustic guitars, and folk acoustics have metal strings.  Classical guitars are easier to learn on because of the nylon strings (they don't hurt your fingertips as badly as the metal strings of a folk acoustic), but a classical doesn't sound right if you're playing rock, pop, country, etc.  They're used more for jazz and (of course) classical.  Consider your musical tastes and goals before buying.  There's no point in buying this guitar if you'll just end up buying a folk acoustic a few months down the road.

    If you do decide to buy this one, here's my two-cents worth:  It's old and not in that great of shape.  At best, I'd offer him $80.00 for it and definitely wouldn't pay more than $100.00.  If I found out that it was really in bad shape looking at it in person, I'd offer him less or would pass altogether.

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