
Is this guy a National hero?

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Should this guy be considered a patriot and a hero. Was this civil dsiobediance or trespassing? What do you think?




  1. no just lucky

  2. wearing/flying a flag does not make you patriotic.

    cutting down a flag flying on private property makes you a trespasser/vandal--he should have called the proper authorities. i mean, i don't like seeing the confederate flag flying all over my state, but i wouldn't go cut it down.

  3. This guy should be given a medal.  I wish everybody in America was that patriotic.  You go, man!

  4. I think it was more like him acting like an uppity holier than thou Patriot.  If you feel so threatened by the relative placement of a piece of cloth to another then you are quite insecure.  Most illegals are lower class, so if you somehow feel that them hanging a flag high gives them better status, then you need to take a step back and look at the big picture.

  5. Not a hero. and what gives him the right to disrespect  any other country's flag... he speaks of honor but has no idea what it means, a flag is just a 'thing'... there are certain traditions like if a US flag ever touches the ground it must be burned... but, a piece of cloth does NOT make a country.

  6. I think so that guy could be considered as the patriot and i dont think so this to be the civil disobedience

  7. I am sure that to some he is a hero for this  and to some he is just a zealot. It will all depend on where they are "coming from".

    I think that he could have gotten that flag down in a more civil manner (going to the town council, etc...) but I don't see anything wrong with him exercising his right to free speech and peaceful protest.

    As far as if he is a hero? He is veteran, so OF COURSE he is!

  8. I think what he did was patriotic.  Any political leader worth anything would be wise to issue him a full pardon for his civil disobedience (I believe its vandalism they charged him with).

  9. As a Mexican, I would have done the same thing in Mexico if a US flag had been given a higher position than the flag of my country. He's a patriot and deserves recognition as such.

    Heroism is something else and I don't think he even considers himself as a hero.

    Further to the above. If the owner of the establishment where the flags were flying feels so strongly about his Mexicanism, he should be in Mexico giving jobs to fellow countrymen and paying taxes. If he has chosen to be in the US, proper respect for his/her host should be shown. And using flags in a commercial establishment is not precisely appropiate and in Mexico, may even be against the law if intended as advertising. Now, one point, irrespective of the torn flag. Legally, Mr. Broussard did trespass.

  10. well if he does manage to become the first black prez then i think you must...

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