
Is this guy daft or what?

by  |  earlier

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just answered a guys question before as he was asking if £650 was a decent price to pay for a pug cross. he kept saying how it wasnt a mutt, just because both of the parents are purebred pedigree dogs, and that he wants a pedigree dog. i mean how daft can you be?

it really made me laugh. and people were trying to help him, by saying he was buying a mutt and he should pay more than say £100 for one, but he was having none of it.




  1. That was my question and I have to say I think you are all being rather mean!  Even creating another question to draw attention to your harrassment of me!  That is low.

  2. How can you refer to a normal healthy dog in terms of a lesser animal than one that has been artificially bred?

    Isn't a dog a dog, shouldn't you love it for its personality and character rather than what other dog breed it has been mixed with?

    It is annimal racisism gone mad. Ethnic cleansing for dogs.

  3. in the long run all dogs are "mutts" how do u think u get a breed...mixing different dogs makes a breed over years.. alot of people are now breeding jack russells with chihuahua and callin them jachihuahua in years to come watch this will be a breed of its own

  4. So he wants to pay £650? what's it to you? I paid £250 for my crossbreed and he is priceless, it's my money to spend as I choose.  why don't you mind your own business?

  5. katie

    please respect other peoples feelings on yahoo. im sorry but im gonna have to report you , calling people daft can push them over the edge and in some cases ends in death..  please think twice in the future cos im crying here now, i feel so sorry for this guy

  6. Yes totally daft. How can you have a pedigree dog of two different breeds? He`s getting his leg lifted.

  7. ive seen people selling labrador x poodle for £950. they advertise the fact that both the labrador and the poodle have kc papers but obviously the puppies are only mongerals. its what people will pay for them. ive not seen any cross bred puppies for £100 though, ive not seen puppies for sale that cheap for years.

  8. I have a friend who paid £3000 for an 100% Australian Labradoodle. They are expensive dogs and have had tests etc. They are not all breed by byb.

  9. i'll sell him one,

  10. Personally if he wants a dog and this is the dog he wants... What has cost got to do with it. It`s not an investment it`s a feeling breathing animal. If cost is all he`s interested in then get a pet car.

  11. It is very popular now to buy these dogs, a friend of mine just paid £300 for a yorkie and Pappillon cross. To each their own.

  12. I don't want to get into this fad (and it is a fad) for producing designer breeds here.  Suffice to say it's a nonsense.  There are surely enough breeds already without putting two together (and risking coming up with the worst of both rather than the best of both!).  Suffice to say in my humble opinion being asked to stump up £650 for a dog that has no papers, no track record (in terms of what might come through, temperament, longevity etc.etc.) is just crazy.  Yes, I'd say this is a totally INdecent price to pay for what is in effect a mongrel.

    With apologies to all the lovely first X dogs out there who didn't ask to come into this mad world.

  13. That is daft as almost ALL pug crosses need surgery on their back legs and they tend to become weak once they hit a year old!


  14. I would always adopt but at least he's buying a crossbreed instead of an inbred Pug.

    So funny how people say it's just a mutt. A pedigree is basically just an inbred mutt.

  15. yes, he's nuts!  Any dog that is not a single breed is a mutt!  Why not get a pug mix from a rescue or RSPCA?  

  16. I have just read the original question, don't you think for one moment that the guy was winding people up, read the way he replies to each one, it is so full of sarcasm he is actually attempting to make the people who reply seriously look silly don't you think?

  17. Yes he is daft!

  18. I saw that question as well.  Wish you'd put a link to it in your question...  But anyway, I do not think the guy is daft at all- he is just trying to stir people up.  That question had "troll" written all over it.

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