
Is this guy shy when it comes to girls he likes/ is attracted to?

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Is This guy shy when it comes to girls he likes?

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Aries/ Taurus

Mercury: Cancer

Venus: Taurus

Mars: Cancer

Ascendant unknown




  1. Well, if his Sun sign is in Gemini and moon in Aries he should be anything but shy. His Cancer influence might make him a bit though since I have heard Cancers tend to shy away from situations. Gemini are natural charmers and if he has a moon in Aries, then he should be quick and impulsive to react. I know plenty of those and they generally don't like to wait around much, my moon is in Sagittarius so sometimes I am the same way too because our moons are Fire signs. Gemini tend to hop around and don't like to stay on the same place too long, they like variety and mind stimulation. Is he being distant to you? Perhaps he is not being shy but aloof. Air signs are good at being distant with their emotions. I am an Aquarius and sometimes whenever I am not attracted to a friend that is attracted to me, God only knows why since my girl friends and I generally never have a lot in common, I tend to distant myself away and avoid the situation as long as possible. I know that is not correct yet I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and lose a friend also. They think I am being shy yet I am being pushed away by their own emotions as I cannot share with them. The male Air signs are generally, except for those split-personality Gemini moments, very nice and easy going people. They try not to be rude and hurt others.

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