
Is this harrassment? Can something be done?

by  |  earlier

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If you're a middle-aged, married man w/kids, and a college student likes you, and emails you. She has emailed you 3 times since March. She always asks how you and your family or doing and hope you all are doing well. That you can email her if you need to talk. She offers to help do things.




  1. Harassment is what I do to all my married contacts.

    She isn't harassing you until it's a regular occurrence, (more than 3 over a several month period of time) My men are contacted more than that in a week.

    If she offers sexual favors or a "solution" to that wife problem you have, that could also be considered harassment. For example, if she suggests a trip wire at the top of the stairs.

    Otherwise, she is like other women, who believe that men are good for more than cutting the grass, bringing home the bacon and nookie.

  2. You do understand that females actually believe they can be friends with men without the thought of s*x ever popping up. I know that's totally alien to a man's mind. So here's the deal, either understand that she's just being nice (and hope your wife understands too) or let her know her emails put you in an uncomfortable situation at home and  that you'd rather just look at her b***s and leave it at that.

  3. No that is not harrassment... if you don't want emails you can tell her in a polite way to stop emailing you.. she has done nothing threatening..  she has not phoned your house.. she does not do this often.. so it's not harrassment.. if it gets on your nerves it is at best annoying and i am sure if you told her in a polite way you appreciate the offer for help but that you are happily married and you would prefer she stopped emailing you she would just stop... I see no harrassment here...

  4. I agree with the previous answer.  Fewer than once a month and expressing concern?  That is not harassment, just being nice.  You haven't said why she's emailing you or how you know her or if you email her, by the way.

    If you do want her to stop emailing you, just tell her so.  I'm sure she has other people to be nice to, and you can stop thinking about her and get back to your marriage and kids.

  5. 3 e-mails in 4 months doesnt sound like harrassment to me.. i think maybe your hoping 4 something more sinister

  6. Three e-mails in four months showing concern? No, that's being a nice person. Nothing like harassment.

    If you don't like it, tell her so. She seems considerate enough to go away on her own. And then she can find a person who appreciates her generosity.

  7. No i dont think its harassment. It would be considered harassment if it interferes with your life. If she sends at least 50 emails a day, or if she were to call you constantly like 100 times a day even though you tell her to stop, or she comes over to visit all the time at any time of the day. Just when you email her back, maybe dont reply the day she sends it, or if it's effecting you, dont email her back at all if she emails you. But it just seems she wants a bit of attention and someone to listen to her and to talk to. But like i said, if it becomes extreme, just stop all contact with her, but thats up to your own judgment and what you feel.

  8. I agree it isn't harrassment, but if you are the married man you need to make sure she knows you are uncomfortable with her attention and you want it to stop.

    Make sure she knows there is absolutely no chance you will ever have feelings or desires towards her.

    This should stop the attention; however if it doesn't, then have her brought to the deans office or where there is another colleague and tell her, in front of one of your peers, that you are not comfortable with the attention she is giving you and you have already asked her to back off.

    Also, tell your wife. If this girl decides that she feels rejected, she may lash out by doing something psycho like contacting your wife and telling her there is something going on.

    Be proactive! Be firm! but also be kind.

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