
Is this harsh for a 1st time offense?

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My cousin got a DWI and he is 19. He had his first plea agreement today and the DA wanted to give him 120 days jail time, 100 hrs community service, and 2 years probation. Thats a lot of things for a first time offender




  1. His attorney should be able to reduce the charges if hes any good, of course thats gonna cost him. If he gets a 2nd DUI they will nail him to the wall though. He probably got a fine too?

  2. Not really. Now they are cracking down on drunk driving, based on the damage it can cause. He should be lucky he didn't get into an accident, it would have been a lot more.

  3. I hope he went to court with an attorney  

  4. Actually, it's not harsh for a first time DWI. They need to do that more often. What would have been harsh is if your cousin and got into an accident and killed someone. I've been hit by a drunk driver and trust's NOT a good time.  

  5. Let me explain something.  Judges,  district attorneys, police, etc are so sick of hearing about  and seeing people being picked up with sponges and buckets  because their bodies were smeared all over creation in an accident which involved DUI. NO judge is inclined to show any mercy.

    , Getting killed because of a DUI is harsh.Ever think of that?

    As the ads in Pennsylvania say, "drinking and driving, ? You will get caught. You will pay!"

    Unless your cousin has the IQ of an earthworm, I'll bet he never is charged with a DUI again.

  6. That's pretty standard to me because I'm betting those charges for were several dwi, underage drinking, maybe open container, it all depends on what charges they had on him.


  7. if someone is truley DUI I don't think that's exteme at all. People need to be more responsible and it's not usually the DUI'ers who get hurt in accidents.. the innocent people they hit. Maybe next time he will think twice before getting behind the wheel after drinking.

  8. No, it is pretty standard.  

  9. This DA has head stuck up in the clouds. He probably would give a thief who robed a bank, 90 days in jail with free food, medical services, air conditioning, exercise equipment and tv.(And we tax payers pay for it)

  10. if there was an accident no .

  11. not at all.  I would love for the penalty to be about 100x more sever than that.  Like eating cockroaches and c**p.

  12. they should bend the law for buzzed driving...thats way easier and little risk.  

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