
Is this hd dvd player like a blu ray dvd player? please read all of the question =]?

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do they have the same quality? can a hd dvd player play blu ray dvds and still get the same out come? can you recommend a blu ray dvd player to me please?





  1. They both have the same features like 6 times the clarity, better sound. No you can not play HD DVD on Blu Ray and vice versa, recommending a Blu Ray player would definitely be a PS3 as they are 1 of the cheapest and are future proof. if you do not choose to buy this one make sure you buy a stand alone player with a hard drive and Internet connection so you can update all the firmware and be set for Blu Ray 2.0

  2. What you are looking at is not an HD DVD player, it's an up-converting DVD player. For why up-converting players are better than normal DVD players see the link.

    Assuming it were an HD DVD player and you were considering it or a Blu-ray player you need to know the following.

    HD DVD is officially dead. Blu-ray is the surviving HD format. There are a couple of players that can play both HD DVD and Blu-ray disks, but generally you need a dedicated player. No DVD players play either HD format. However, all HD players play DVDs (and up-convert them to pseudo-HD).

    HD DVD quality is virtually identical to Blu-ray ... so other than the fact you won't be able to get new movies in HD DVD an HD DVD player can be a good deal if you get a good price. There are over 500 HD DVD movies (although they are getting hard to find new they are available on used sites).  And HD DVD players make great up-converting players for DVDs.

    Blu-ray is currently too expensive and unfinished. Players and disks are expected (?) to come down in price by the Xmas season. But before buying get a demo on a TV similar to yours (you need a fair sized HDTV -- preferably 1080p -- with HDMI input and a good HDMI equipped surround sound system to benefit) and be sure you are willing to pay the premium prices required vs DVD.

    Hope that helps.

  3. It's a bit like the Betamax & VHS wars in the 80's, similar formats and in that case the lesser one won.

    HD DVD's have been dropped by some of the big labels in favour of blu-ray.

    Never tried to play on on the other though.

    You could try a PS3 to play them on, an expensive way of doing it, but much more fun!

  4. No only unless you have a Blu Ray player that is compatible with HDDVD.

    So for example if i have a HD DVD player i cannot run a Bluray film on it. It will not work.

    HDDVD is out.

    PS3?  One of the best Bluray Players on the market.

    Sony BDP-S300

    Or Samsung BD-P1400/XEU

  5. its not an hddvd player! its an upconverting dvd player you can get a quasi hd picture and you can't play bluray or hddvds on it.

    the ps3 is about the best bluray player out right now

  6. The quality in terms of audio/video is pretty much the same. You would have to get a dual/combo player to be able to play both formats, currently LG and Samsung offer such a player. If you are looking at buying movies from both formats then get the samsung HD DVD/Blu-Ray player, but it would be pointless since HD DVD is discontinued and all current HD DVD's are eventually going to be re-released in Blu-Ray, a few have been already. If you have to buy a Blu-Ray player now, I would recommend the PS3, even if you aren't going to play games, it is the only current player that is future proof and is a reasonable price.

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