
Is this he END of Gordenski Brownacov and his labour bolshevics?

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I hope so.




  1. Do you not see that Britain is on the verge of a communist takeover instrumented by Brownacov and his scum sucking gang of Bolsheviks, they have positioned themselves so that nothing that they do is a crime, all of their corruption is punishable by a slight slap on the wrist and a promotion to the European parliament while people on the ground who struggle to get by are turned into criminals if they do one days work money in hand, while the Brownski's boys can steal millions from the people and get away with it.

    Wake up you poms the trap is about to fall.

  2. Andski Meeski!

  3. I don't know where you got the idea from the G Brown is a socialist "bolshevik", there are as far from being socialist as Maggie Thatcher is. Some of their policies such as railway privatisation are more right wing than Maggie could ever dream of. Don't talk crud.

  4. Gordon Brown is in a political sense!A dead man!Walking!!Completely beyond the range of rejuvenation!

    No gimmicks or give away  bribes near to General Election time  can save the poor incompetent political cretin now!Or the Political Party he has run into the ground!

    Make no mistake about it!Gordon Brown is a 'sun set' politician!

  5. Lets hope so, for all our sakes,

  6. Unfortunately not for now.... Noone in the cabinet has the courage to stand for the leadership at the moment. Jack Straw has disowned claims that he will be making a run as a caretaker leader. David Miliband does not want to be seen to be disloyal as this will damage his chances so he will wait for a 'kamikaze candidate'.

    We are stuck with Gordon Brown for at least another 6 months I'm afraid as he clings desperately to power....

  7. College communists and back room Bolsheviks never die, they just become CONsultants and go on speaking tours to add the the fortune that they've already exploited from 'the rich'.

    "The workers united will always be exploited"

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