
Is this headache normal? Please Respond!?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 3-4 days I've been major stressing about my MRI on Friday... I have a suspected acoustic neuroma, and they want a clearer picture. So, my question is...

I have been having this strange headache that is behind my left eye and on the top of my head towards the left side. (same side as the acoustic neuroma) Before when I bent over it would hurt more. But today if I crouch down or bend down then get back up that is when it throbs behind my eye and above my eye. I have also noticed when I rub the top of my head where the headache was it will ache afterwards.

Right now my eye feels sore. Is this a sign of an aneurysm? Should I be concerned? I do not have a dilated pupil or droopy eyelid... but the localized headache and pain behind my eye. Or is this all stress related? I need opinions because I have sever panic attacks and anxiety and this is totally triggering it and making it very hard for me to cope since I am not on medication now for it. Please someone help me... I would very much appreciate it.




  1. Sounds like an oclear migrane. Research that I may have spelled it wrong. The more you worry the worse it will be. They will be able to tell on the MRI

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