
Is this healthy?????

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I'm trying to lose weight, so i've been walking at 2.5 mph on my treadmil for 90 minutes. so far i've only done this for 2 days, today will be the third, but i will make it 3 mph after 1 week of doing this. and i will continue adding .5 each week, and keep doing 90 minutes.

yesterday i ate:


rice krispies & fat free milk-- 200 calories

lunch: half a can of tuna fish, and litle bit of mayo, and half of a wheat bread roll up thingy lol. and a big bottle of water--- 200 calories

snack-- little pre-packed bag of carrots and some lite ranch dressing--100 calories

dinner-- mini pizza with pepperoni (i know, horrible.....=P) and medium bottle of water---450 calories.

total: aprox. 1000 calories. (also, i had another big bottle of water when i was on the treadmil---it's poland spring water so u know the

and i burned about.....350ish on the treadmil. and i weigh 135 lbs so i think i burn like 1300 naturally i burned 650ish calories yesterday.

oh and im neverrrr having mini pizza's anymore. my dad made them and after i ate it i read the wrapper and saw it was 450 calories and i like died, lol.

so, is this healthy?? eating 1000ish calories a day and burning 350ish calories day? im almost 14, 5 ft 2 in and 135 lbs if it matters.......

when will i start losing weight? i did the math and it said 5.3 days.....sooo will i lose a pound in about 5 pounds if i continue doing this??

i reallllyyy want to lose like 5 pounds by my birthday, which is 9/16. sooo 3 weeks. i will start burning more calories once i add the .5 mph every week.

soooo yeah. is this healthy? will i lose a pound in 5 days? will i lose 5 pounds by my birthday??

thanks a bunchhhh!!! ^.^




  1. sounds healthy to me.  your getting exercise with a balanced diet.

    its great that the exercise is gradual. but may i suggest a few things

    1- 2.5 mph is like a normal walk. try upping the speed to more of a power walk. then gradually uping it to a jog.

    2-  DO NOT weight your self every day. i'd do  it only like once a week.

    weight naturally varies  at different times every month. depending on were you are at in your cycle (for women), hormone levels, and water and sodium intake. also if do monitor it daily and see you lost weight your more likely to "cheat' or slack. or opposite if you dont you are more likely to go on extreme diet. (depending on how desperate you are to lose weight) neither are good.

    3-  they say the recommend calorie intake should be the weight times 10. thus since you are 135 pounds yuo should intake 1350 calories.  since your taking in 1000 and buring 350. that means your body only has 650 calories to use through the day. that is not healthy.  up your caloric intake to no more than 1350. and still burn the 350 calories. that would leave your body with is much healthier. if you only leave your body 650 calories it is more likely to store extra calories than burn them. as you up  your excercise you should up your calorie intake to. with right choices with fruits and vegetables and such. you need to make sure  that  your body always has at least 1000 calories after exercise

  2. It's pretty healthy

  3. Yes that's a good choice for breakfast an lunch.For dinner not to much pizza and try making homemade pizza instead with low fat mozzarella cheese on whole wheat rolls or whole wheat bagels instead of frozen pizza.  

  4. Hey you will definitely lose weight, as 1000 calories going into your body in one day is not a lot at all.

    I would recommend you use a couple of online calorie calculators to calculate your daily maintence calories for each day. This is the amount of calories your body needs everyday to maintain its current bodyweight. Therefore, to lose weight you should aim for 200-300 less than that, or even 400.

    I googled with the terms 'maintenence calories calculator' and came up with many results. The first one was:

    So if you use the calculator and receive 1500 calories as your daily maintenance number, than aim for 1200.

    As for your diet, yeah try to stay away from greasy foods like pizza :P unless you personally make the pizza yourself and know everything thats going in it.

    Just eat good amounts of protein (such as tuna, chicken) and complex carbs (like brown rice, whole wheat bread) and some healthy fats (such as olive oil, avocado).

    Also, drink more water! Water is good for you, try to drink it throughout the day not just when you are exercising. Your body is ~70% water, so drink up. Try to stay away from fruit juices (unless its all real juice) and any other sweet drink.

    However, I think if you keep this up you will definitely lose weight. Just remember that losing weight too quickly is also bad, so try to eat the right amount of calories. 1 pound in 5 days sounds about right, and I think you'll look great in time for your birthday.

    good luck.
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