
Is this hit and run? Should I go to the police?

by  |  earlier

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I was behind a truck waiting to go onto a main road when the truck's driver puts reversal, accelerates, and crashes my front bumper. I asked the guy what he wanted to do and he asked me how much I wanted for my bumper. I estimated that it'd cost me at least $500 to replace the bumper. He said it was too much and offered me to do it himself. I asked how much he thought it'd cost to fix the problem and he said he could get it fixed with $200. Me being a nice person, I told him that I wanted him to fix the car, and proposed that he gives me the $200 which I would give back to him after the car is fixed. He agreed, gave me the $200, and his cell phone number.

Next morning I called him from my cell and he didn't answer. I called him from another phone and he answered, and told me that he had ordered the bumper but it'll take 2 days to deliver. Three days later I started calling him from my cell, but he never answers. Should I go to the police and report the case? I only have his cell phone




  1. No, stupidity. You should ALWAYS take the other persons Driver's license information, tag number and call the police.

  2. Nope, you took the money and made a settlement.  It is not hit and run!

  3. should of called the police in the first place.  it might be considered hit and run except i doubt if you could prove it.  call the police and ask.  might just have to chalk up to experience.

  4. You never should have accepted the money.  If a Police report was made, you would have at least had documentation of the accident.  If you have all the information you can still contact your insurance company, if not, looks like the only thing you have is $200, and a damaged bumper.

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