
Is this how Dems treated Reagan when he was running for President? Serious question...?

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I'm only 24, so I barely even have memories of things that happened when Reagan was pres, so I'm just wondering if he was treated similarly to how Palin has been treated, as far as digging in to their lives and families, throwing out wild accusations, etc. I know Reagan was not perfect (divorced his first wife, for example), and I'm sure Palin isn't perfect either, but I'm just curious if Dems are acting similar to how they acted with Reagan. I know Reagan was already at least somewhat known nationally, having been Governor of CA, so maybe they are acting differently. Just looking for observations from others who lived through that time...





  1. No, this pretty much started with the Bush/Kerry era. People forget that Carter has less experience than Palin, but back then campaigns were run MUCH more respectfully allowing someone like Carter to win. I think the real fall of politics began in 2004 when the Democrats were so blind with rage that Al Gore was defeated because Bush "stole" the election in 2000 that both parties began going above and beyond to destroy the other candidate.

    I suspect it will only get worse with time, which is a shame.

  2. Yes and No... the internet was more of a dream back then instead of a reality. Both Parties threw mud at each other as often as they could but with the world being "open" and information so widely available the elections were a much different animal.

    It also seems that people had more character back then... they were held responsible for their actions more so than now, Now, there is no limit to how far either side will take something.

  3. The Democrats hated Pres. Reagan, but weren't as sophisticated in their attacks as they are today. They called him a n**i, a cowboy, a warmonger, quick to use nukes. They called him evil and and heartless. They called him dumb, and worse. They called him way too old and feable. They called him asleep at the wheel. It was bad, even harsh, but nothing like today.

    To actually accuse Bristol of being the mother of Trig is scummy.

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