
Is this how McDonald's should have handled this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I went to McDonald's one day and unwrapped my mcmuffin to make sure it was made correctly and found some nasty blue stuff, bones and undeveloped organs in the egg of the mcmuffin so i went to complain and all they did was assure me it wouldnt happen again and they replaced the mcmuffin.




  1. What do you want them to say, it's a franchise. They'll bring it up to corporate, that's about the best they can do.

  2. what else did you expect them to do? they apologised and replaced it. problem solved.

  3. Last I knew eggs didn't have bones.  The eggs are cracked open fresh on the grill for these sandwiches, I am sure someone would have seen something odd.  That's all the manager can do.  Anything else needs to brought up to corporate.

  4. Aside from all the joking about McDonald's that I just did(and no, I wouldn't do any of that c**p for a chicken nugget), I used to work at a McDonald's a couple of years ago long enough to know that all the stuff there was made somewhere else and they store it in freezers and refrigerators(walk-ins). I used to work grill during breakfast and I don't ever remember seeing or ever hearing about nasty egg McMuffin material like that. You were right to mention this to them. And yes, that's defintiely how a fast food resturant should handle the situation.

    On a serious note= You did the right thing.

    On a light-hearted, jokingly note= h**l no did you do the right thing, you should've jumped over that counter and opened a can of whoop-as@ on them like Stone Cold Steve Austin would and give'em a Stone Cold Stunner!

    But seriously, your description was unusual, and just bring it to their attention and they'll handle it. Take care.

  5. i doubt that you found that in the egg. no way

  6. well you should have told them to do something else about it...i work at my aunts restaurant...



  7. I hope you're kidding.

    That's nasty.

    I don't eat at McDonalds anymore because it's easy to get food poisoning and employees sometimes spit in your burgers.

  8. Hello,

    Whatever you said has happened same with me.

    The only difference is that you got fault in your Mcmuffin and i got fault in my Happy meal.

    You won't believe i saw a mist of something like that of cough covered with cream.

    The whole burger when i lifted up,was having circles of fungus and don't ask the smell.

    I complained to the department,and i agree that they replaced my burger with a fresh one but the old burger was not thrown away, they simply took out the patty and put it into some other burger.

    It is truly said that you can't expect some other sort of behavior from the workers because the company is a franchise.

    Though i can say that you did the best that you checked.

    Even though if you go to some other places to eat,at first proprly check the food you ordered.

    Good luck.


  9. I pray to God that you made this up

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