
Is this how it works,,,,if so how are the middleman accountable?

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So TRUE or FALSE God placed the ancient and modern government in a relative position to govern man, and man commits atrocities that God permits only the humans causing harm are to blame.


Spirit appointed by God church leaders, who commit mental, emotional, spiritual atrocities that God permits, are only to blame.

So who really is at fault for all of the suffering ?




  1. all the sheep that follow the psycho deluded church leadership...

  2. We are through sin.

    Pray the Rosary and receive the Sacraments for the Glory of God in the Highest.

  3. Mankind is. For doing or allowing it to happen. We either accept it or we don't. If we do not accept things, why do we still do them. What are we truly conscious of? If our goals are peace, why do we allow wars to be fought?

    If one were to "live" according to his heart, with eachothers' best interest in mind, there would be no more suffering

  4. We are all responsible for ourselves..We have free will.

  5. the lord warns us of fasle teachings and false prophets - that is y we need to study the word and be in the spirit or walk in the spirit to know the truth- blessings

  6. Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

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