
Is this how kids raise their children these days?

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how could a parent let their child talk like this lol

especially what she said at the end right before she covered her mouth, cuz she knew she was wrong

do you think that was okay?




  1. "Is this how kids raise their children these days?"

    That's the problem, too many kids having kids.

  2. well, that little ugly monkey is a r****d.  

  3. OH MY GOD. I didn't even watch it all. It is apparent that some people raise their children wrong these days. I was raised to respect my elders and not cuss, even though my mouth is like a sailor. I still say Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir. And so will my children. Kids today have no respect for anyone. Not all of them, but alot. I will stop and praise a parent and child when they hold the door for me or use their manners. I'm only 32, but to me that's being raised correct.  

  4. oh my lord.

    what has this world come to???

    that was not even cute.

    shes the devils child

    i think her parents are the ones that need a whoopin

  5. nope, but the only way to stop this is have the government control raising kids. that would be even worse.  most kids grow out of it though

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