
Is this how you blog ?

by  |  earlier

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Can some of you give me some advice on what I blog on? I just started this and want some comments and advice.




  1. Looks like a good start!  Start adding pictures of things and a link to the myspace page that you were looking at would have been nice :O)

    But great start!  Good Luck!

  2. it looks like you have the idea. you might want to separate your thoughts into paragraphs, and use pictures. don't be afraid to use a lot of tags. and remember to update at least once a day.

  3. well, you're obviously blogging for therapy.

    and that's the deciding factor(as to what you should blog ABOUT) :what are you blogging FOR?

    For example some people blog to further their career (or even to start one)...they'll just write a little daily on a subject that they actually happen to have some expertise in (it could be compuiters, it could be fashion, social advice, you name it-)    (((there are books at library on blogging as an office skill, you could end up with a good job from this start!)))

    But right now, you're looking for therapeutic value.

    And that's okay.

    But I'd say, how will you get over wanting someone who's obviously bad for you?

    Maybe it WOULD be good to blog about something career-oriented.

    Plunge yourself into the being and developing and becoming of YOU, fulfilled.

    Forget about him.

    Forget about guys (they'll ALWAYS be there). YOU!

    It's just a thought. One possible take.

  4. you might not want to use exact names (i.e. Michael = M, Holly = H, etc.)

    and separate your post into paragraphs so people dont feel overwhelmed having to read a huuuge block of writing :)

  5. i think your blogging is really good. alot better than mine! : D

    just keep in mind though that the people reading cant tell how your talking, so make it as comprehensive posable
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