
Is this how you teach gun control

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  1. Oh well live and learn.*

  2. It's incredibly fake, debunked two weeks ago already.  

  3. she will be scared of a gun now. Not the best way but stll funny.

  4. Humorous, but incredibly boneheaded.

    The only thing jokes like this do is turn his wife off to firearms. Furthermore she'll tell her friends about her horrifically scary and how badly traumatized she was just from the noise, and how she can't understand why anyone should own firearms. Which will make her friends opposed to their significant others from buying firearms.

    He'd have been better served taking her to the range and TEACHING her proper firearm handling.

    All this does is make the rest of the world think that only redneck, a$$holes have firearms.

    Sorry if I'm raining on your humor. I get annoyed because gun bigots  use this kind of irresponsible behavior as justification for their cause.  

  5. That was a stupid thing to do ! (but was a funny video)

  6. Gun control...doesn't ring a bell. Oh, do you mean putting the whole magazine through the 10 ring?

  7. I think the wife ran to get ammo....

    I hope that guy is the one who posted this video. If the wife is the one who posted this video.....

  8. THAT'S WRONG!  One, she could have hurt herself.  Two, she could have dropped and damaged the gun.  Three, she could be permenantly turn-off on guns and may not be able to use one to save her life.

    Tsk, tsk!  Some people!


  9. That is hysterical, but if I were him I'd be sleeping with an eye open and a cup on for the next few weeks, heh.

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