
Is this hurrican gonna put the nail in the coffin?

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of either candidate and choose who you vote for?

considering its now a level 4 and hasnt hit the gulf yet where it will strengthen...................i dont know about you but the candidates response to this hurricane will decide my vote. considering its gonna be a big disaster.......unless by some miracle it swings south and hits mexico(lmao sorry to be so blunt) will these decide the election for either candidate? its like a test as i see it.




  1. It won't matter unless it destroys Louisiana and then it just depends on how it's handled.

  2. I think that's in Bobby Jindal's hands.

    If Louisiana responds well that plays to the Republicans.  If he screws up it helps the Democrats.

  3. Unlike Katrina. It may overshadow the convention. And it should no matter when it happens, or where it happens. Remember this is an election year. The response to this hurricane is completely different because of the disastrous response that Bush had when Katrina happened, and because this is an election year. Bush cannot afford the same choices to be made, as in 2005, because this is an ELECTION YEAR. Why didn't the Republicans choose to have their convention in New Orleans? They don't want the rest of us to see all there is still to be done there.

    Katrina, and the response to that hurricane should be the stick by which you measure your choice for this election.  

  4. What do you want the candidates to do? They are both going so say," Oh that is is bad." They have no power as candidates.

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