
Is this hype over the Socceroos BS?

by Guest31697  |  earlier

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Love the AFL, as well as our kind of football over here (forget the manly man insults...each "code" is great in its own way), so given that AFL rules in Australia, is the talk of the Socceroos starting a soccer boom hype?

I do know when Canada went to the WC in 1986, we could care less. After all, Canada is, and always will be, a (as in "ice" to you) hockey nation.




  1. Absolutely not!! I am a league follower at heart but i have been engrossed (mind the pun) by the socceroos since their heart-stopping victory over Uruguay. Their skill and athleticism is second to none and their commitment and their passion and spirit makes the Australian team what they are. The socceroos may not be a team of champions, but they are a champion team.

  2. Not on your life. The fact that a country with, not one, but FOUR football codes (League, Union, AFL soccer) made it to the last 16 shows that it's not just hype. In my opinion, soccer is the only true Football.

  3. I'm glad they did well, but I never watched a game a soccor before the world cup, I have no intention of watching after the world cup, so why bother getting up so freakin early to watch a game I'm not that keen on?  In short, yes its total BS.

  4. soccer has never been the most popular sport at junior level,i think youll find netball actually beats everything for junior participating

  5. no

    good on them

    lets CELEBRATE all our heros

  6. I think the Socceroos were a little over-rated, mainly by the media, but I am very proud of them!! Go Socceroos! I beleive that there will be a great number of followers of soccer in Australia now, and not just from people who are of non-English decent. After Socceroos made it into the world cup, I think soccer in Australia lost the "pansy-game" reputation most ingnorant people had about it, and more and more people are enjoying it. I myself love the soccer, I follow the UEFA too when I can, but sometimes getting up at 4.30AM to watch a live game from somewhere in Europe is a bit of a struggle, lol. So anyway, in short, the Socceroos are an awesome team, did us proud, but some of the hype did get many new followers of soccer's hopes up too high.

  7. No its not BS as "shocking" as this may sound not everyone in Australia likes AFL. Shame on you, you should be proud that your country is finally getting the International fame and attention that it deserves in a field other than cricket.

  8. The Socceroos performance was one of the greatest by any Australian team ever. It was amazing.

    However, Australians love the AFL and the rugby codes and that is not going to change.  I don't expect much to happen with A-League attendances, but with Australia moving into the Asian Confederation, the Socceroos will be playing a lot more games, even if a lot of them are without the Europe-based stars. That will make the Socceroos part of the nations sports scene in a new way. They will draw good crowds, and soccer will grow. If they continue to perform well, the A-League may even benefit.

    If all that happens Soccer will still be far behind AFL, NRL and rugby. Soccer can grow to be important in Australia, but 3 great weeks does not totally remake a sport.

  9. The Soccerroos have done an excellent job.  Very proud of them.  Soccer for a long time has been the most popular sport at junior levels, I would think this will only continue.  Anyway c'mon the Blues (Carlton)!

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