
Is this i nice love story..A guy in a mask bursts into a ?

by  |  earlier

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sperm bank with a shotgun. 'Open the safe' he yells at the girl behind the


'But we're not a real bank' she replies. 'We don't have any money; this is a sperm bank'.

'Don't argue!.....Open the f***ing safe or I'll blow your head off'.

She obliges and once she's opened the safe door the guy says, 'Take out one of the bottles and drink it'.

'But it's full of sperm!' she replies nervously.

'Don't argue just drink it' he says.

She takes the cap off and gulps it down.

'Take out another one and drink it too' he demands.

She takes out another and drinks it as well.

Suddenly the guy pulls off the mask and, to the girl's amazement, it's her husband.

'Not that difficult, is it?'




  1. god!!! how could he do that to his wife!!! make her drink the sperm of other men!!! and that too, not one but two!!! gross!!!

  2. that's arrrg but funny

    i wasn't expecting that

    lolsh haaaaahahaha

    x x x

  3. Lol! Ok I have to make my boyfriend come read this....make him realize how lucky he is :p

  4. man my wife is right i am spoiled been married 36 years and i thought all women swallowed............. cool  

  5. phwahahaha!! yuck! to think MY girl would gulp down other's sperm!!

  6. LMAO!!!!! bwahahahahahahahaha,,,I was not expecting that!

    I Likes lol

  7. Yuk, that was disgusting.

  8. Haha

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