
Is this idea too tacky?

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My friends and I are taking a cross country trip soon and we're having a going away party this Sunday. We were thinking of putting out a "gas fund" donation jar.

When I heard the idea I thought it was funny and clever, but my family all said it's tacky to do.

So, I'm not sure. Is this okay to do, or would this just be too tacky?





  1. putting it out for who? Your boyfriends? other girlfriends? In any case gas is overpriced so I'd think people would be understanding, I'd go for it.

  2. I would sell small cups of chili with beans for your "gas fund".

    You get the $$ and its a cute play on words.

  3. I'd put the jar out but I'd label it "Bail Money Donations".

  4. Why not? It's a "donation", those who want to, can donate, those that don't want to, don't have to.

  5. I think it's tacky to throw yourselves a going away party, so no to the jar!

  6. no it is not tacky. do it!    great idea by the way  i am sure your friends and family will be glad to help out good luck!

  7. I do notthink it is Tacky. These days you do what you have to. I have even seen Jars at a going away party that read..."For College"  or Little fake tree's that people pin thier money on it for good luck in the Future. Have Fun on your Road Trip!!

  8. Very tacky. Why should your guests pay for your gas? If you can't afford gas, don't go.

  9. i think its ok!!

  10. I dont think its tacky i think it is funny like you said maybe you could call it a oil company fund with gas fund and smiley face in little letters

  11. no,no,NO!

  12. i wouldnt say tacky.. its just kinda like the wishing well at weddings.. but maybe a bit extreme if your having a party cause your going away and kinda asking your friends to help pay.. but it depends on what your friends are like, if they will think its cool.. then its up to you...  really depends how far and long your going away.. if your going to be gone for a little while. then ppl might give you money just to sort of help you out as a nice gesture..

  13. yes

  14. I agree with the fam, sounds tacky.

  15. depends where you're going to put it out at :P

  16. yeh it does sound tacky but i would do it.

    people will give money so do it lol

  17. its a good going away present.

    not tacky at all.

    btw if family thinks its tacky then they should flip the gas

    bill themselves.

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