
Is this illeagal in canada?

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is someone grabbing another person by the neck and throwing them down on the ground (which is concrete) illeagal in canada? if so, what would be the minimum charges if the attacker was found guilty, and what would be the required proof?




  1. yes its illigal, and they would get charged for assualt but remember when dealing with assualt there are over 30 sections or differiations of assualt. so he could also get charged with multiple accounts. and for assualt in general, for me if i were to take care of it, id see that there is the damage to the victim, the actions and postion of the offender. and the proof would be the damage taken by the victim, but also the proof is also witness accounts, statements, cameras, anything really, even if there was anything on the pavement. so really if he did it he did it and there is no way out.

  2. lol a warning...

    i live in quebec (canada) i was bmx'ing at the local skatepark and a 16 year old tried to steal my bmx, i did the exact same ting u wright, i grabed him by the neck and put him on the ground (i was controling him) then i sat on him and waited for the police to arrive.  Unfortunatly i had no proof and there was no witnesses that saw him actuly trying to steal the bike, but they saw me put the kid down. so i got a warning by the woman cop.

    um... it would be really wierd if you wer the one that tried to steal my bike and that you are asking this question lol... that would be very wierd.


    To: max power

    HAHAHAHAHHA don't worry we will get one !! HAHAHA

  3. Yes, that is illegal it is physical assault.  Not sure what the sentencing can range between though.

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