
Is this illegal giveing back prescriptions to the pharmacy for resale.?

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Ok i used to go to this pharmcay i used to go to and right after i got out of surgery i had surgery on my nose and they gave me dorvacet so i got it filled at the pharmcay then i kept hurting so i went back to my doctor and told him that dorvacet wasnet working for me and i was really in pain so he gave me a script of vicodin i went back to the pharmacy gave them my new script and they said they won't fill it unless i give them back my darvocet. Now i heard thats illegal i had script changes at another pharmcy and they diden't ask for my orignal script. This pharmacy that i went to that asked for my dorvacet back there a small pharmacy own bye arabs now i have nothing against arabs but there were getting there pills shiped to them threw some unkown truck shiper that i have not heard of he used a regular pickup truck the pharmacist diden't ware a uniform nor did the others. Now i want to know if giveing back my original script is illegal cause they were going to resale them.




  1. Yes, it is illegal and unethical. There is no way for the pharmacy to know the medication has been tampered with. I would report this pharmacy. Most pharmacy's used to take old prescriptions to destroy them, not resale.

    You can report them to the local police department, or the better business bureau. Make sure you inform your insurance company as well.

    I would just keep the old medication on hand, in case you don't need something as strong as the vicodin.

  2. If they re sell your old prescription, that is very illegal. I would report them.

  3. My guess would be that they are NOT trying to resell your prescription.  That is very illegal and they would know that.  I'm sure they're not that stupid.  A more likely reason is that there is some kind of known drug interaction between your old and new prescriptions that could cause you to get really sick or die if you took both at once and they are trying to prevent that.

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