
Is this immature, vengeful,etc.

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if you belong to an organization with someone and you're polite to them and they don't want to hang out with you and ignore you (outside of this place) but then talk to you at the organization, you keep it short when they try to be all friendly at a program? Why do people do that anyway?




  1. Your question is unclear.

  2. the person is only being your friend during the program because he/she HAS to. when they're out in public, they dont have any obligation to be nice to you. shows the person doesnt really like you. should you keep it short @ the program? yes. i would. if the person gives a care, they will mention it, or try to fix it...if the person just goes w/the flow, they never really liked talking/being ur friend in the first place.  

  3. I face the same thing with people at work.  They talk to me and act as if they like socializing with me at work, but at gatherings outside work, like dinners, bowling, etc, they act like they are meeting me for the first time and are uneasy with talking to me.  That's very upsetting and annoying to me because I'd don't know what to make of what they think of me.   I'm nothing like that.  People I don't like at work, I don't want to socialize with outside of work.  People I like at work I want to socialize with outside of work too.  It's a feeling of being snubbed and it's not pleasant.  You can either take things as they are or snub them as they do you, but when THEY want to socialize with you.  Then they'll know now crumby it feels.

  4. I am going to try and answer although your question is all over the place. Being polite to people is a must. You may belong to an organization together but that does not mean outside of it you are going to be friends. We as people are polite to folks that we may never see again... Its just like at work...friendly at work,,,but some folks we never have anything to do with outside of work,,,its just the way it is...accept this,,,move on ,,,and make friends outside the organization

  5. I used to have a supervisor like that at one of my old jobs. Everyone hated her because she was a total b*tch to everyone at work but at outside gatherings like bowling, pizza night or whatever she would try to come and be cool with everyone, talking and telling jokes. We all just kept it brief and very short with her. Some people just stared at her and didn't speak at all. That's because we already knew that she would go back to being mean-spirited the next day at work. If a person can't be consistent personality-wise then I'll be civil but I definitely won't go out of the way to be friendly to them. I don't like fake people that like me one minute but don't speak to me the next.

  6. It's because you're in a group and some people will only associate with members of their group while in the group, not having (for some reason) and interest beyond that. It's rude that they can't have some consideration outside of it, regardless of the state of your relationship. I don't think etiquette has to go out the door with them. If someone's genuinely kind to you, their going to be genuinely kind to you, not turn it on and off like a switch. I think politeness is supposed to be real and not a facade.

  7. Some people that come off this way are usually very insecure. They might feel as if they are nice to people outside of the organized activity, that they will be stabbed in the back.

    Again I say, you only need to be polite to others. You have no control over others' thoughts, opinions, values, etc. Be yourself and be polite. You need not be 'friends' with everyone. Some people don't want to be friends with others.

    Sad but true, it is a fact of life. This is sometimes related to their upbringing, home life, self image.

    Also, Karma -- what goes around comes around.  

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