
Is this inappropriate for a wedding??

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I am getting married early next year, and have decided I wanted my two sisters (one is a year younger, one is a year older) to walk me down the isle. Both of my parent's are dead, as well as both sets of Grandparents. I have two uncles who I talk to MAYBE once a year. I would rather them walk me down the isle bc we have been through so much together, and it only seems right bc they are all the family I have left.

I was thinking they would walk me down and then be regular brides maids (stand with the other two) and walk out with groomsmen. Is this too inappropriate?




  1. yes, that is totally appropriate. this is your wedding and if you & your sisters are very close, then they should be the ones walking you down.  i think its awesome your not afriad to do something a little inconventional.  Good luck with the wedding! =]

  2. This is your wedding and you and you future husbands day. If neither of you have a problem with your sisters walking you down the aisle thats all that matters.

  3. I think it is an awesome idea...and not inappropriate at all.  It may not be traditional and that is what is bothering you MIL...but it is YOUR AND YOUR HUSBAND'S wedding not hers. I believe the person walking you down the aisle should be one whom you are close to and who love you...and if that is your two sister's...that is how it should be. Do what pleases you...she had her wedding day...this one is yours.

    CONGRATULATIONS...and good luck with your MIL.

  4. Do you have a brother or is it just the three of you.  If it's just the three of you (because you don't want to leave anyone out) then I say let them walk down the aisle with you.  It's your wedding NOT your mother in law.  She should try to make this day as easy as possible for you, since I am sure you are already upset about Mom and Dad not being there with you on your day!

  5. I think that it's definitely appropriate!  You want someone that you've been through a lot with and it sounds like you guys are close.  I think everyone at the wedding will be touched by this sentiment. Congratulations on the engagement!

  6. This is YOUR wedding and you get to decide as long as the groom agrees too! I see nothing wrong with it. I don't think everything has to be the traditional way.

    Congrats and have fun planning your wedding!

  7. I have seen and heard about weddings being done many different ways.

    This is your wedding and your day.  I think there is nothing wrong with you having your sisters walk you down the isle to give you away.  I think its is very sweet and shows how much love and adimiration you have for your sisters.  Also I'm sure they feel very honored to be able to do that for you.

    I say go for it.

    Remember that no matter what you do there will always be someone to complain or give their unwanted oppinion.  Don't let it stop you from doing what you feel is right for you.

  8. They are your family, your heart. They SHOULD walk you down the aisle!

  9. No, it is perfectly acceptable, and very unique. You should have somebody who means a lot to you give you away. I am going to have my younger brother give me away at my wedding, since our parents are no longer with us.

  10. Who cares if it's "appropriate"?  They are your sisters.  I think it will be quite touching & meaningful as well.

  11. Yes, absolutely they can walk you down. Your parents would be very proud of that.

  12. You can have whom ever you like 'give you away'.  I went to a wedding this summer and the bride's father lives far away and never really bothered with her.  She chose her Mom and her Grandma to walk her down the Isle.

  13. I think it's a wonderful idea.  Go for it!  Good for you having the most supportive people in your family there for everything!  I wish I had siblings like that.  Bad vibes to your MIL.  She's got a lot of gall to say anything critical about this choice.

  14. Note that you do not need an escort. You can walk alone.

  15. I think that is a fantastic idea.

  16. I think that's a great idea.   It's your big day so you decide what YOU would like.   Have a great day.

  17. not at all. it is your wedding and all that matters is what it means to you. it doesn't matter what others think. however, i must say that i think it is a beautiful idea :) best wishes!

  18. no. it is your wedding, your special day. I think it truly means something. Whoever walks you down the aisle should mean a lot to you and so your sisters are perfect for it.

  19. I am sorry to hear of your parents' passing. Having your sisters walk you down the aisle isn't inappropriate in the least! Plenty of brides choose other people to do the honor, even if their parents are still living.I think that would be beautiful and perfectly appropriate.

  20. do as you please and whatever you want is your wedding. It wouldn't be appropriate because you have reasons why your doing it.

  21. It seems like a logical choice to me. Brides can have anyone walk them down the isle. If by some chance the church (assuming you are getting married in a church) has a problem with it you could always go down by yourself or go down with your husband. I've seen both done.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  22. i would think that it would be perfectly acceptable. i'm sure everyone at your wedding will know that they are your sisters so it will be clear that they are the closest thing to a parent you have since thay are always there for you.

  23. there is no official rule who will walked down the ailes with the bride it is only  a rule of thumb that if your parents are still alive they and you have a good relationship with them for sure they will be ythe one to walk with you, but since they are not with you anymore they can be replace by anyone base on your situation your sisters can surely do the job vacated  by your parents. good luck

  24. Your sisters have every right to walk you down the isle.  Dont be bullied by the to-be mother in law before you start - it's YOUR big day - enjoy it.

  25. not really because your father would be walking you down the aisle because in the "old days" he 'owned' you and at your wedding he's 'giving' you to your husband, it's just a tradition, I would walk down the aisle by myself.  If they are all you have left give them another special position such as both can be maids of honor or something like that

  26. that's a really good idea!

    your sisters are important to you, so it's great

    that they're walking you down the isle on an

    important day.

  27. Go for it! I think it's a great idea, since your sisters mean so much to you and they are the closest family you have left.

  28. Sisters? well listen that day is your special day, so if you feel good doing it, go ahead, it could start a new fad......only don't let them walk into your marriage as well.  God will guide you and keep you safe in your new home.  Good Luck

  29. it definitley sounds appropriate. its ur wedding day and its about what makes u happy and ur feelings. i think it would be beautiful to have ur sisters give u away since u've "been through so much together". I have attended weddings where brothers walked their sister down the aisl and im sure sisters would be just as appropriate.

  30. That is not inappropriate in the least!  It is a GREAT idea!

    Yes, your sisters should be the ones to escort you down the aisle.  AND, it is perfectly acceptable for them to stand as a bridesmaid also.  Very thoughtful!!

  31. Not inappropriate.  Remember that this act represents giving the bride away.  This means her family accepts the groom.  If they are the important members of your family to you, then it is appropriate.

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