
Is this inappropriate for an art teacher?

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my little sister absolutely cannot pass art. she draws well and her drawings are pretty but the art teacher says they aren't art because she doesn't use an organized plan, just draws what she feels at the moment. this teacher views art very objectively.

for example:

one child draws in an Anime style and she says it's too cartoon like and not realistic enough.. yet a japanese student does the same thing and she declares it wonderful and says he has talent.

i can sympathize with her because i barely passed that class since my style of art is more abstractt. i sort of just start with a line and go from there, and it just turns into something nice. she almost failed me because she said it was too messy and not well thought out enough.

the class is required to graduate so how can she pass if the teacher has decided she doesn't like the way she draws? what kind of art teacher decides that it's not art just because it's not the way she would do it?




  1. Very inappropriate. An art teacher is supposed to get students to express themselves not the teacher. I think parents need to talk to the principal.

  2. Education is simple.  Do what the teacher tells you to.  Get a good grade.  Graduate.  Then do whatever you want.

    There is no point in fighting a teacher.  Your sister probably has average talent, and the teacher's goal is to teach technique so the students can draw simple sketches.  The art teacher presumably has some training and knows a little more about it than either you or your sister.

    One thing that many people misunderstand when they see someone who does abstract art is assume that it's just some heartfelt scribblings and that no technique is involved.  Picasso, for one, had astonishing technique that he displayed in his early work.  Once he learned how to use the tools effectively, he was able to go off into the abstract world.  But every piece of art is planned and has something to say.  If you just sit and draw, then you are doodling, not creating art.

    I know it's hard to believe, but you really don't know it all, and learning what the teachers are teaching helps in the long run.  Learning what the students teach, not so much.

  3. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a paintings value is only worth how much somebody offers to buy it for. When the subject art gets brought up in major debates, most people have diffrent opinions on what exactly is "art". Some people believe that anything inspired with emotion is art. Others believe that art has rules and standards it has to follow to be "good" art. So its very skeptical. Creativity in my opinion makes good art.

  4. Call the School and COMPLAIN!

    That art teachers sounds terrrible.

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