
Is this inconsiderate?

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my dad's getting married and didn't tell me until a week before the wedding. He told everyone else in my family months ago, and I am last to know. I'm his teenage daughter, shouldn't he have told me he was getting remarried? I'm really mad because he didn't tell me 11 people were going to be in the house now, rather than 6 which was planned for visiting purposes. Would this upset you?




  1. Hey get this I wasnt even invited to my fathers wedding oh and I was in hospital when he told me... Make it worse it was 3 days before his wedding that I was told...

    I was mad as h**l.... I never spoke to my father for about 3 months even though I lived in the same house as him...

  2. Yes it would upset me.  Maybe there ' s a reason why he didn ' t want to tell you ?

    Let him know how you feel though because getting married is no minor situation.

  3. Yes! I mean come on you're his daughter. That was wrong of him to keep it a secret for that long. I'm sorry. :(

  4. yes i would be mad but dont not talk to him because of it. you should tel him u wish he told u and that ur not very hpapy that y were last to know. ur his daughter u should know before any of them. so u should ask him why though cause maybe he has a good reason like maybe he was scared u owuld be mad and wouldnt tlak to him or something.  

  5. un yeah i wouldnt be able to speak to him

  6. Maybe he was protecting your feelings, or was hoping you would understand the things he was getting ready for. Value the relationship you have with your dad. My dad is gone now, and sadly, I wish only now that we had repaired our relationship, and spent more time together. It's too late for me, but not for you. Please, for the sake of lost time all over the world, be compassionate, and forgiving with your father. Trust me. I'm right about this.  

  7. id be pissed but you should confront him
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