
Is this innocent behavior coming from a married man??

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If a married man always tries to make eye contact with a woman – by staring, becoming speechless as she walks by and stopping a conversation (to the point where the person he’s talking to looks at the woman too), always turning his body towards her from across the room and holding her gaze, walking by and staring directly at her face (even though there are other women around her), running into her and saying hi in a low voice with a huge smile on his face, acting shy around her (even though he’s very outgoing)…

Also, some touching (her hands as she gave him something, her arm as he said goodbye), suggestive gestures (like slowly l*****g his fingers after eating something messy and staring right into her eyes as he did it)…

Does this mean that he wants to have an affair with her? Or is he just flirting?




  1. Sorry but maybe it means he ALREADY has an affair with her.I hope he's not your husband :-( !

  2. Sounds like a weirdo to me. He's out of line with not only work but his marriage as well. You need to be firm and tell him to stop.  

  3. I wished someone would pay attention to me like that!

  4. It sounds like it to me.If you are his wife you need to think about what he is doing.not only to you but your marriage. If you have respect for your shelf you would stand up for your self and marriage.I know i do and i would.


  5. It sounds like he very attracted to her and can barely contain himself. His actions are hard to control at this point because it is very obvious that he wants her married or not. He is way over the top comlimenting everything personally to her and does this to get her attention in hopes that she will desire him to. If she is one of those vulnerable women out there that enjoys the excitement of this type of attention from a married man she may allow herself to get caught in this trap. It says a lot about his character and morals if he crosses the line when it comes to his commitment to a wife and how he does not take relationships very seriously.  

  6. He is flirting and if she reacts to the flirting in a positive way, it sounds as if he would like to begin an affair. Leave this guy alone. You aren't the first and you won't be the last. You probably aren't even the only one he is flirting with right now. Just ignore him and try to stay out of his way.  

  7. He is looking for extra-marital activity and if his wife finds out he is going to be in trouble.  Unless of course they have an open marriage.  But it sounds like he is trying to get her interested enough to take it to the next level.

    If he is doing this to a co-worker who does not appreciate it; it can be construed as sexual abuse.

  8. He has the hots for her!!

  9. GO RRM38!!! I AGREE TOTTALLY!!!!!!

  10. Ha, sounds like my case except yours sounds more perverted.  Ewww.  I think this guy is a dog, so keep him in his doghouse.  I wouldn't be flatter by someone who probably does this to many women.

  11. I agree with rrm38! I think she has the best answer but I want to throw in my support!  That kind of behavior from any guy in the work place is creepy.  It almost sounds like a satire/spoof- something in one of those Jim Carey movies.  Only this is not silly!  When he is treating the woman that way in front of other people and he is married how can the woman be looked at in any other way than Tush?  It is not innocent behavior.  It is behavior to be discouraged and reported!

    I want to add that even if my husband of 14 years acted that focused on me I would get creeped out and tell him to get a life!!!!  I wish you serenity

  12. Ugh, don't worry about it.  If the woman he's doing it to doesn't notice / isn't interested then nothing will happen.  Maybe he just wants to see if he's "still got it".  Are you his wife?  I'd ask him about it if I were you.

  13. He's a tasteless, classless pig.  I'd tell him to keep his frigging hands and comments to himself and learn how to use a napkin.  

  14. His behavior isn't innocent and it's pretty obvious (or should be) to anyone around including her that he's obsessed with her.  He probably stops talking because he doesn't want her to hear what he's saying.  Next time he stops talking give him some advice, it's always best to cover your mouth with your hand (like your going to cough) because people can read lips, and although he may be assuming nobody knows what he's up (if there are security cameras) a snoop upstairs will observe everything going on down below.      

  15. Even if he hasnt slept with her yet he is already cheating. Just by what you typed I can tell this guy is lusting big time after this woman and if she wont give it to him he'll find someone else to crush on. Kick his butt to the curb. There are men out there who arent like that and they will love you better.

  16. probably just tight mates

  17. That behavior in the workplace would strike me as creepy even if it were a single man.  Regardless of his motivation, I would ignore him if it were directed toward me.  If he went so far as to proposition me or, God forbid, touch me I would tell him that his behavior was inappropriate and advise him to stop or I will report him to HR.  If he continued, I would report him.

  18. Wow, what a winner! It sounds like he's definitely interested in her. If I were her, then if he ever wanted to take it further, I'd tell him h**l no. He's a married man for god sakes!  

  19. it sounds like a scene from a soap opera.. id say he's just vying for attention and is actin g like an idiot, maybe even laughing with his friends after you stop looking.. not laughing at you, but at what an idiot he is.. sounds very immature to me... all i can picture in my head is pierce brodson (or whatever his name was from mamma mia) in a suit... funny!

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