
Is this insanity?,I'm a lost soul,always seaching among the shadows,the time when the world is not dark but?

by  |  earlier

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is never quite light,what am I seeking is it what I cannot have,or is it what I once had but foolishly lost,is there no hope! is there no sun to again give me warmth,yes surely I'm not sane




  1. Tomorrow is another day,

  2. Not insanity, possibly, but maybe depression.  You need to talk to a professional.  A psychiatrist, probably. Call your doctor for a referral.

  3. Don't give up.  Your gonna meet somebody special pretty soon and life will be great again.  

  4. You don't need analyzin'

    It is not so surprisin'

    That you feel very strange but nice

    Your heart goes pitter-patter

    I know just what's the matter

    Because I've been there once or twice

    Put your head on her shoulder

    You need someone who's wiser

    A rub down with a velvet glove

    There is nothing you can take

    To relieve that pleasant ache

    You're not sick, you're just in love!

    ...from an old song with some lines altered

  5. Maybe you need a prescription for Lexapro or Prozac, you seem depressed, not insane.

  6. Try therapy. Also try out a literary workshop to straighten your lyrical cliches.

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