
Is this irony at it's best?

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For a week or so now I've been trying to get my 3 month old to take either one long nap during the day or a couple longer naps (she was only sleeping 10-45minutes at a time, 3 times a day) and now she has been asleep for almost 2 1/2 hrs and I actually want her to wake up lol. Is that not the most ironic thing in the world?? It's like when you want them to sleep thru the night but then they do and you panic and run into make sure they're still breathing.

What other ironic things do I have to look forward to? lol




  1. Walking.  You think now, "Gosh I can't wait until I can quit lugging this little mama around".  "She's getting bigger and bigger every day!"  But just you wait, because the crawl turns to walk...then to RUN!  You'll be chasing her around wishing for those good ole days.  Have fun!

  2. Teaching kids to talk, then telling them to be quiet.  Teaching them to walk then telling them to sit down. Ha

  3. yep, so many things are ironic when it comes to parenting! my son is 4 months, i can't wait for him to talk so he tell tell me exactly what he wants, but i know when he does i'll be telling him to be quiet! i love it, it's the best journey!  

  4. Constipation, you think you would be happy you don't have a poopy diaper to change, but when it happens you'll be doing a poopy dance!

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