
Is this irresponsible parenting? Grand Theft Auto.. ?

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My son is 9 years old and has recently become interested in his dad's Grand Theft Auto video games. He doesn't play the story lines - just roams around in the game doing things. I'm not worried about the language because I know he's heard worse out in public. Is it wrong that I let him play the games? I haven't noticed him becoming overly violent, he doesn't curse, and he has yet to start trying to steal cars (ha ha). Frankly, I think he's seen violence just as bad on television, so what harm is the video game causing? It keeps him fairly entertained and (as funny as this sounds) out of trouble. And it's never hours at a time.. Usually a half-hour to an hour of game play when he does actually play it in between things like hockey games and Star Wars lego.




  1. Just dont let him turn in to Laterrian Milton... Youtube his name if you want to see why.

  2. Well im 15 and my mom wont even let me get it. Im not sure if a 9 year old should play it, but dont base your parenting off of Jack Thompsons lies..

  3. None of us can tell you what's right for your child. It's good that you know what goes on in GTA, and it's good that you're a concerned parent...but he's your son, not ours. You know how mature he is, and you know whether he's affected by the game.

    If you didn't know anything about the game and you were letting him play it, that would be pretty darn irresponsible. But since you know what the game is like and you know what your child can handle, you've made an informed parenting decision.

    Ignorance is the issue when it comes to violence in video games. A little knowledge goes a long way, and good for you for paying attention to what your child is playing.

  4. i would say don't let him play.  don't let him see your husband play.  i enjoy it personally, but i'm 33.

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