
Is this is right that the people go in other country for earning money?

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Is this is right that the people go in other country for earning money?




  1. This Swiss like to say "Money has no smell".  By that they mean the money itself has no intentions or purpose or that the money itself is at fault.

    I tend to disagree because it is people that use and direct money and they are subject to all those things.

    But in some sense money will flow without other considerations, merely chasing the best investments.

    I think it is bad for the host country to have people working there and sending all their earnings to another country. The host country gets a little benefit from cheaper labor but in the long wrong it is draining that country of it's wealth to send that money off to another country.

  2. I believe you have to move to where the jobs are.  If you need to move to another country to support your family there is nothing wrong with it.

  3. If thats what they have to do to survive in this world  then YES. all other countries does not have same government, rules and regulations so if thats what people have to do to keep their family alive then i'm with them! but if they are going to other countrys for wrong reasons to make money then No.

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