
Is this is true that there are super natural power on earth?

by Guest64925  |  earlier

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Is this is true that there are super natural power on earth?




  1. yes

  2. what do you think life is? if you made an exact replica of a human, with a brain and a heart and blood and a liver and everything, he wont come to life. our soul is a hidden system in our bodies, onethat cant be broken.

  3. Yes.. its called mother nature!!!

  4. Yes and Planet has also the right to have smth super?

  5. Yes, God (Holy Spirit) is a super natural power. He does miracles every day.

  6. yes, but people just ignore it. i mean, not all people-there's always an exception.... not to hurt anyone there but it is true that most people ignores it because they wanted themselves always to be on top... we do not notice it though sometimes....

  7. It is true that science has not found explanations for everything yet.

  8. Yes there are.... all the peoples are not same.

    There are peoples who can see what we cant see and they can hear that we cant hear.  

    The nature's rule is that that you can't deny a thing which you cant understand.

    Mostly we deny all that which is beyond our understanding.

    Like colours for a blind man.  If a blind man can't see colours then it is his fault not the fault of presence of colour.

    Mostly, these things relates to religions. But beware all the religions are not true. There is only one which is true. Find it yourself by quest.

    Islam is the best religion which is true and near to nature.

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