
Is this job really worth it

by Guest32412  |  earlier

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I used to have one part-time cleaning job and was seeking a 2nd one so I could have two jobs. I was accepted for an interview for a cleaning job and I was declined because she wanted someone older.

A month later, she contacted me again offering me the job, which I very happily accepted. During the time I've been working for this company, I've been told stories of how their previous cleaners walked out on them and never came back. I never thought anything of it until recently when my manager and a few of the staff started giving me a hard time.

When I first began working in my new cleaning job, everyone was very kind and friendly towards me. The manager especially was a lovely woman. However, recently they've turned on me, accusing me of slacking off when I've been sweating my guts out for them and trying to push me around. My manager snaps at me every time I ask her for new equipment when I run out of the things I need to do my work properly. She's also began to give me tasks which are near to impossible to do. One of the employees tried to take advantage of me and push me around and when I stood up to her, she ran off crying to the manager, accusing me of being rude. Another employee humiliated me in front of one of his clients and made me feel inferior and embarrassed, just because I'm a cleaner. I can't even go to the bathroom now without them timing and monitoring me because they think I'm slacking off from my work when I'm simply answering the call of nature.

My personal health is also being badly affected by how I've been treated during my time with them. I've been stressed, exhausted and my body really hurts.

Recently, I feel like the only reason my manager took me on board is because her previous choice didn't satisfy her and I was just her second-best, if you know what I mean? She would never have taken me if her other cleaner hadn't walked out on her and I'm beginning to understand why they all left, especially if this is how they were treated.

Due to everything that's been happening to me lately, I'm really beginning to wonder if this job is really worth keeping. To make things worse, like I said, everyone was very nice to me at the beginning, but are now rude and accuse me of wrong-doings that I've not committed.

What do you think about my situation? If this was you, would you really consider this job worth fighting for? Should I look for another, more suitable job?




  1. Look for another job, its not worth it if they don't appreciate the effort your putting in and are just going to make your feel bad and push you about.

    They sound like bullies to me using you to make themselves feel big and important find another job no point feeling stressed and exhausted for people like them.

  2. I believe that you should look for another job.  If it is really as bad as you say then you should leave soon before  some trouble developes.  Yes, you were second choice and I would not bother fight for it.

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